Google Apps

Here are some resources for using Google Apps. Most students will be familiar with the basics of the Google Suite, however, there are always new things to learn to help you stay organized and save time. There are plenty of tutorials online, so we've only included these two below, which we think are pretty important. 

Google Classroom Basics

Here is a great little video that will give you an overview of Google Classroom's basic functions. Most students know Classroom enough to use it, but ther

Google Filestream 

If you have PC or a Mac, you should be using Filestream.  Most of the time, you use Google Drive in your browser, and this works for most school stuff. Your Google docs are always backed up and able to access your work from any computer because they are "on the cloud."  Filestream allows you to keep all your other stuff in Google Drive without having to move things around.

Advanced Google Docs Tricks!

Most of you can type in a Google Doc, but this video will show you how to make your docs look awesome and it will save you heaps of time.