Below you will find statistics that affect our community on a regular basis. Please use this information to help support and encourage our community members throughout their daily lives.

LGBTQ+ Awareness Day

Thursday 10/20/22 was annual LGBTQ+ Awareness Day. This holiday was created in 2010 in response to the overwhelming number of bullying related suicides of queer students. We wore purple to be a visible sign of support for the LGBTQ+ community, against bullying and to honor those LGBTQ+ victims of suicide.

3% of LGBT have felt unsafe at school because of their gender identity

27% of LGBT students have been physically harassed at school because of their sexual orientation

13% of LGBT students have been physically harassed at school because of their gender identity

1 in 6 Michigan LGBTQ students hear school staff make negative comments based on sexual orientation

1 in 3 hear school staff make negative comments based on gender expression

56% who were harassed or assaulted in school never reported it to school staff

Of those that reported, only 28% said that reporting resulted in effective intervention by staff.

The vast majority of LGBTQ students in Michigan regularly hear anti-LGBTQ remarks from other students.

92% heard “gay” used in a negative way

85% heard homophobic remarks

84% heard negative remarks about gender expression

73% heard negative remarks about transgender people

LGB students are 2x more likely to have felt sad or hopeless almost every day for 2 weeks or more in a row

LGB students are 6x more likely to have attempted suicide in the last 12 months

LGB students are 2.4x more likely to have been threatened or injured with a weapon at school

LGB students are 2.5x more likely to skip school because they feel unsafe

(Generally, trans & nonbinary youth have even worse outcomes. Ex., 1 in 3 transmasculine students have attempted suicide)


GLSEN biannual national school climate survey; Michigan snapshot (2017).