Language Arts with Mr. Collins What I Need To Know

Click on the following topics to see common questions and important answers about how our language arts classroom will operate this year!

Assignment Due Dates/Late Work
School Work At Home
Class Conduct Norms
Routines and Procedures Norms
Independent Reading/Reader's Notebook
Leaving the Room/Restroom
Apple Classroom
Common Lit
Behaviors that Support Learning

What materials do I need to be prepared for class each day?

You MUST bring these each day:

  • iPad which has been charged at home the night before

  • Independent Reading Book

  • A pen or pencil

  • Earbud style headphones that you plug in (if there is an issue getting some, please reach out to me through as Schoology message)

You MIGHT also be bring the following if you choose:

  • A spiral notebook if you prefer your reader's notebook to not be digital

  • Sticky notes

  • Color pencils or crayon, scissors, pencil sharpener, etc. (I won't always have the materials you might want, so bring what you like)

How will I be graded in class?

I do not use a category system with weights. Instead I use a Total Points System.

This might be the first time you have experienced this, so please click here for a couple of slides that illustrate this type of grading. The examples should help you understand how grading works a little better. Reach out to me with any questions!

How do assignment due dates work and do you accept late work?

How are some important points to consider about assignments and due dates this year:

  • Unless there is an emergency or if you are sick, I expect you to turn in any work that's due by the date given on Schoology. If something is preventing you from completing your work I would like us to talk about it, so please send me a message.

  • For certain assignments, you will have the option to revise your work and to resubmit. I will let you know ahead of time of this is an option.

  • If you are absent please use the Daily Learning Plan to stay up to date as much as you can. Before asking about what you missed, please review the DLP.

Do you give homework?

Not usually. I expect that you are reading for 20 minutes on average each night. However, life gets busy You might decide to wait and read one night for 60 minutes instead of each night. That's fine. The important point is that you make progress in your reading.

I try to give more than enough time in class for students to complete all assignments. If you fall behind for some reason, it's possible work started in class could become homework.

What are the expectations for behavior and conduct in class?

How do you run the class? What routines will I follow each day?


How will independent reading and reading notebooks work this year?

We will read novels, short stories, and nonfiction together as a class. I will also provide you with practice texts that you will work with to develop into a stronger reader.

But it's also important for you to own your experience and to have choices. . Independent reading is your opportunity to explore reading in a way that is less "school is forcing me to do it" and more about developing your own interests. I will expect you to read on your own and time will given in most class periods to do it.

Your reader's notebook will be a record of the thinking you do with your own text and samples will be collected, graded, and used for discussion between us.

We will also open the door to moving beyond just text to also listen to podcasts and to view live action media.

If you are a person who likes that feel of paper for reading and for note taking, feel free to read a paper book and to take notes in a physical notebook. Just know that when I collect a sample from your notebook I will ask you to take a picture of it with your iPad so I have a record of it.

What do I do if I need to leave the room or use the restroom?

This year, we will follow the same procedures for going to the restroom as the rest of Middle School North.

How will we use Schoology this year?

We have all used Schoology before. All Daily Learning Plans, assignments, assessments, reminders, and materials for my class will live on Schoology. Please know this does not mean everything we do must be digital. It just means that Schoology is where a record of assignments and submission will be. This helps us have conversations that support your growth and learning and helps to keep parents updated about what's going on in class.

I use the Schoology gradebook as the main gradebook. You will still see scores in the Parent Portal. But all feedback and important information will be viewable on Schoology. There might be a slight delay in when something is graded in Schoology before it shows up in the Parent Portal.

What is Apple Classroom and how will you use it?

I am sure many of you used Apple Classroom last year, but in case you did not: When Apple Classroom is on I can see your iPad screen, I can tell which apps you are using, and I can push out resources or links to you. This is not intended to be a spying tool for me. I will try to earn your trust as I hope you will try to earn mine. I'm not looking to try and catch anyone doing something wrong. Apple Classroom gives me ability to easily and quickly help you or give you feedback about work that I couldn't do the same way if I had to bounce from screen to screen.

But please remember that I can see a record of what you did during class. Unless I give you directions that say otherwise, your iPad is a learning tool.

What is CommonLit and how will we use it this year?

Common Lit is a really cool website that provides texts and learning experiences for students at every reading level. This year we will use many texts from the site as well as many of the tool and resources they have to offer. More information to come. For now, please click here to find out more about the site.

What are "Behaviors that Support Learning"?

Just like a basketball player wouldn't skip every practice in a season and then show up at the championship game expecting to play well, we shouldn't expect that learning in school will just magically happen. There are certain behaviors, ways of thinking and acting, that help develop into stronger learners and individuals. We will discuss these throughout the year. For now, click here to get a brief description.