TNC - Packet Radio

Welcome to my Packet Radio page.

Packet radio is a digital radio communications mode used to send packets of data. Packet radio uses packet switching to transmit datagrams. This is very similar to how packets of data are transferred between nodes on the Internet. Packet radio can be used to transmit data long distances.

Packet radio is frequently used by amateur radio operators. The AX.25 (Amateur X.25) protocol was derived from the X.25 data link layer protocol and adapted for amateur radio use. Every AX.25 packet includes the sender's amateur radio callsign, which satisfies the US FCC requirements for amateur radio station identification. AX.25 allows other stations to automatically repeat packets to extend the range of transmissions. It is possible for any packet station to act as a digipeater, linking distant stations with each other through ad hoc networks. This makes packet radio especially useful for emergency communications.

Packet radio can be used in mobile communications. Some mobile packet radio stations transmit their location periodically using the Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS). If the APRS packet is received by an "igate" station, position reports and other messages can be routed to an internet server, and made accessible on a public web page. This allows amateur radio operators to track the locations of vehicles, hikers, high-altitude balloons, etc., along with telemetry and other messages around the world.

Text from Wikipedia

Complete Packet Radio Setup

In this photo is my final setup for packet radio.

40 watt radio, Kan plus TNC and serial to IP converter.

I can remote into the TNC from my computer or my Smart Phone. I can even connect to it from another TNC connected to the radio in my car.

Packet Radio in my Server Rack

I put my packet radio setup in my server rack with battery backup.