Heart of Wisconsin Amateur Radio Group 

Welcome to the Heart of Wisconsin Amateur Radio Group. 

To Teach, Learn, Serve Our Community, and create a Friendly Environment to Promote Amateur Radio and to have FUN! This group is open to ALL who would like to join to help the Central Wisconsin Community 

W9MRA Repeater Information 

Main VHF - 146.790 -.6Mhz  Pl Tone 114.8

Backup VHF - 147.330 +.6Mhz Pl Tone 114.8

FM38 Linked Repeater

UHF - 442.425 +5Mhz Pl Tone 114.8

Field Day 2024

Despite Mother Nature’s Rainy Weather, we had a Fun, and a Successful Field Day on Saturday, June 22nd, 2024 at Rudolph!!

 There are so many thanks to be given to so many people who made this day a success!

 First, a big thanks to all that were able to attend, and for those that couldn’t, we missed you!!

 Second, thanks to everyone who brought food to share, the list is too long to list everyone. But the tables were filled with pure delicious-ness and awesome foods, beans, deserts, fruits, and such.

And, a big shout out to Phil – KD9OWD/AE and David – KD9KYL for cooking the 31 Hamburgers and 35 Brats, you guy’s did a fantastic job! You’re hired!!

2024 Field Day

Summer Field Day is just around the corner. Heart of Wisconsin Amateur Radio Group Field Day is Saturday June 22nd. Setup at 8:30am at the Rudolph community park.  Work shops and learn and teach activities till 1pm. Get on the air at 1pm. Hope you all can make it. 

Parks on the Air event - CANCELED

Parks on the Air at the Mead Wildlife Center has been canceled for April 27th due to weather - The next date will be May 4th

HOWARG Christmas

Our 2023 Amateur Radio Christmas Party! Good Friends, and Good Times. Merry Christmas Everyone!

Congrats to Our Door Prize Winners:

Dennis and Tom, each received a BAOFENG S9 Radio, and Gary, Steve, Mike, and Tracee each received a leather pocket protector filled with a Mini Flashlight, Pen with a level and rule, a Note Pad, and Metal Rule.

2023 howarg fIELD daY

2023 HOWARG Field Day. Big thanks to all who came for field day. We all had a lot of fun. 

We had a packet radio station setup, HF, QRP, APRS and much more. We also had a teach and learn session.

learning lessons

We will be having learning lessons event at every HOWARG monthly meeting. Meeting will only be 15 minutes long and the rest will be for teach and learn sessions.

Radio Day

October Radio Day

Hope you all can make it

Radio Day - Aug 10th 2022

Radio Day - The rain did not stop us today. We all had a great day today. Played Radio, looked at other radios and setups, made a few contacts and had a great lunch with good conversations. 

Radio Day 2022

Water ski Show 2022

Big thanks to all that helped with the event this year and thank you to all that help with weather spotting. 

Forth of July

The Rapids July 4 Fireworks event needs volunteers. 

If you want to help, be at the Rapids Police Department between 5:00 and 5:30. Bring your vests and radios. 

2022 Field Day

The 2022 Field day was held at Cera Park.

Eddie got the most contacts and everyone had a great time. Everyone shared stories on there go kits and showed off antennas.

We all look forward to next year for the 2023 field day. 

September field day 2021

The Heart of Wisconsin Amateur Radio Group's Field Day 2021!! Thank you everyone who attended. Special thanks to MiKayla & Wyatt for all the help cooking and serving! Great presentations, thanks John and Phil!! 

Water Ski Show - Weather Watching

The water ski show was a great and safe event this year for 2021. Storms hit wood county a few days before the event but made way for great weather for the event. HOWARG members where onsite to assist with radio communications for storm spotting and event safety.

New decal

The Heart of Wisconsin Amateur Radio Group's Communications Trailer is coming along. Decals were put on today. Mike @ Rapids Sign did a Great Job!!! 

New Coms trailer

Hello everyone. The Heart of Wisconsin Amateur Group are now proud owners of a brand new Coms Trailer. Plans are in the works to get it set up. 

Ham radio on ISS

On May 15, 2020, Canadian students used ham radio to talk with NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy, currently aboard the International Space Station. Thanks to ham radio operators and the International Space Station program, the students were able to participate from their homes. Learn more about ham radio aboard the space station: https://go.nasa.gov/2DRPAeK 

P.I.T Count 2021

Volunteers are needed for a Homeless Point-in-Time (PIT) Count that will be held January 27th from 11pm to 3am.  Volunteers will be assigned an area in south Wood County and will travel in groups of 3-4.  Volunteers will conduct interviews with participating homeless people and offering information about resources that can help.  Volunteers must be at least 18 years old.  Volunteers do not need any related skills but will be required to attend a training (January 27th at 10:30pm) and will need to fill out an application.  There will be walking and volunteers may need to provide his/her own transportation for the group.  Volunteers need to dress appropriately for the weather and bring along a flash light.  Vest and any other supplies will be provided.  Volunteers who are interested should contact United Way of Inner Wisconsin’s Volunteer Center at 715-421-0390 or contact the HOWARG Group at admin@howarg.org 

FM38 update


We like to thank the folks at FM38 for the link up to the Rapids 442

Please visit the web page on more information on FM38 on the link below

P.I.T Count 2020

Volunteers are needed for a Homeless Point-in-Time (PIT) Count that will be held July 22, 2020 from 11pm to 3am.  Volunteers will be assigned an area in south Wood County and will travel in groups of 3-4.  Volunteers will conduct interviews with participating homeless people and offering information about resources that can help.  Volunteers must be at least 18 years old.  Volunteers do not need any related skills but will be required to attend a training (July 22 at 10:30pm); and will need to fill out an application.  There will be walking and volunteers may need to provide his/her own transportation for the group.  Volunteers need to dress appropriately for the weather and bring along a flash light.  Vest and any other supplies will be provided.  Volunteers who are interested should contact United Way of Inner Wisconsin’s Volunteer Center at 715-421-0390  

Field day 2020

Just a big shout out to everyone who made Field Day a Huge Fun Success! 20 Hams from around the area attended!

And a special shout out to MiKayla Berkholtz, Dustie McLellan, Big Mike, & Viola Berkholtz, and everyone for all the help!

Lots of camaraderie, and good food as well! BBQ Chicken, Brats, & Hamburgers, Taters, and the Worlds Best Beans (Thanks Kitty & Gary Mattson)

Heart of Wisconsin Amateur Radio Group Patches 

Hello Everyone!

Normally when summer rolls around, the Heart of Wisconsin Amateur Radio Group is busy during the summer and active with community events and such. This year, because of the COVID-19, many of those events have been cancelled or postponed. For the remaining events, I thought it would be nice to have our groups name stand out when we do a community event, just so people would know who and what we are. And maybe even promote the Heart of Wisconsin Amateur Radio Group and Ham Radio a bit. So my thought was to design a patch for our group that we could put on our own shirts.  Something inexpensive to members.


The patches are in!!