Junior High

Welcome to the Junior High School Learning Opportunities Page!

Continuous Learning Plan

Crestwood Secondary will provide Voluntary Educational Enrichment Opportunities to students in an asynchronous format utilizing PowerSchool Learning as the main method to interact with learning and provide resources. Teachers will provide chunks of learning opportunities two days per week for each class to meet and review essential standards.

  • Content will be a mix of teacher-generated lessons, resources curated from web resources, and Edmentum courseware.

  • Teachers will also hold "office hours" for three hours per week to be available to answer student questions and engage learners.

PowerSchool Learning

  • Enrichment Activities for students will be available for your son or daughter within the PowerSchool Learning Portal.

How Can Parents View the Enrichment Activities:

The Unified Classroom Portal can be viewed at: https://classroom.powerschool.com

Asynchronous Schedule