Parent Digital Safety course

Digital Safety promotes responsible use of digital devices. Parents/guardians are encouraged to model positive behavior, routinely monitor students' use, and hold students accountable for behaviors at home.

To receive a Chromebook, parents/guardians must complete this Digital Safety course, confirm completion, and return the required paperwork to their campus.

Acceptable Use Policy

Revere Technology AUP Condensed 2022_2023.docx.pdf

The Houston ISD Acceptable Use Policy provides guidelines for how students, parents, and teachers should interact with the internet and their devices.

Revere Middle School is a Verizon Innovative Learning Schools campus that provides access to Chromebooks for on and off campus use in addition to desktop computers and other technology equipment. All students MUST comply with HISDs technology policies when using HISD devices and accounts. This includes usage on and off campus.

Student Device Fee (NEW)

Parents/guardians are required to pay a non-refundable fee of $25 yearly. The payment must be made prior to the student receiving the device o Parents/guardians accept financial responsibility for cost related for replacement of a lost or stolen device or accessories, or for damage due to purposeful action or gross negligence. The district will proceed with legal action, should financial obligation be ignored.

Internet Safety

Houston Independent School District has adopted an Acceptable Use Policy that maintains compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA).

Acceptable Actions

Students are expected to follow network etiquette at all times. This includes being courteous to others, not using profanity, keeping login information private, and letting an adult know if something inappropriate happens.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) ensures that the privacy of student records is protected. Access to these records is restricted through the use of usernames and passwords.

Unacceptable Actions

Students are not allowed to use district-owned devices in a manner that causes harm to others, damages the device, violates copyright laws, or sends potentially harmful data/information to others.

Penalties for Improper Use

The HISD Code of Conduct outlines the possible consequences for violating these rules. Consequences may range from campus disciplinary actions to legal action as determined by the level of misconduct.

Digital Footprints


Private and Personal Information


Getting to Know Your Chromebook

Device Fee (NEW for 2022-2023)

  • Parents/guardians are required to pay a non-refundable fee of $25 yearly. The payment must be made prior to the student receiving the device.

  • The students' parent/guardian accepts financial responsibility for any intentional damage to the Chromebook or damage due to gross negligence.

  • Damaged and non-returned acessories will incur additonal fees.

Chromebook Hard Case/Cover

The Chromebook is a web-based device that uses the Google Chrome operating system and Google Drive for cloud based storage. Students can only access web-based applications.

Your student will receive:

  • Chromebook

  • Chromebook charger (to be kept at home)

  • Chromebook case

Chromebook Left Side View

Chromebook Right Side View

Device Care

No Eating or Drinking

Keep all food and drink away from the Chromebook.

Keep it Cased

You will be provided a hardshell case and the case it to remain on the laptop at all times.

Swipe and Sweep

Clear the keyboard BEFORE closing the Chromebook. Items left on the keyboard may cause damage to the screen when it is closed.

Hands on your device ONLY!

If it is not your device, then don't touch it.

Charge it Up

Shut down & charge up the Chromebook nightly.

Confirm Completion (1 of 2)

Thank you for participating! Please submit the form below to verify completion of this course.

Chromebook REquired Documents (3 of 3)