
Fire Alpaca, Getting Started - The videos below are extensive introductions animation 

A page of FireAlpaca tutorials on various topics - 

Get started with animation in FireAlpaca -

The Walk cycle

How to animate a fight scene

12 Principles of Animation: Easing In and Out - Overshooting - Squish and Stretch - Anticipation

First, go to the software center and install FireAlpaca, If you are home, you can download the free digital painting software program,
Fire Alpaca at:  (Links to an external site.)

When FireAlpaca is installed, look at the YouTube tutorials below, and create a test/sample animation, and save it out as an animated Gif (see SlideShow link below).

This first video tutorial explains the Features of FireAlpaca: time 7 min., 50 sec. - 

These second videos explains Onionskin Mode and how Animation works in FireAlpaca: time 17 min., 29 sec. and 

FireAlpaca NOTES:

Sound Effects Resources

. There are many free sound effects web sites out there where you can download search for, and download sound effects, like: