Welcome to 8M cluster!

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year!


Cluster 8M is excited to work with your students!



We are excited to focus on quality teaching and learning for all students, while building the strongest academic community possible. We will do this through high-quality instruction in the classroom, modeling appropriate ways to treat others, and by creating numerous learning opportunities for our students.


We will teach students how to become better organized and how to become more critical thinkers. Additionally, students will learn how to model all the IB learner traits.


Again, 8M looks forward to working with your students this year!



8M Cluster

Cluster 8M Expectations

1.      Come prepared for class everyday – do not expect teachers to provide basics ( pens/pencils, etc.)

2.      Assignments are due by the posted due date. We will follow the Lanier late policy.

3.      Advocate for yourselves. If you need help with something, please ask or we will not always know.

4.      At the end of every grading cycle, ALL assignments are due by 4pm that last Friday of the cycle. The following Monday id a new cycle/grading period. NO exceptions.

5.      Please ensure that your assignments are done to the best of your ability. Once your work is submitted to your teacher or Canvas, it will not be returned for revisions before it is graded.

6.      ALL school policies and classroom procedures will be adhered to everyday.

7.       If you are absent, it is your responsibility to connect with your teacher to access what assignments or content information your may have missed. This should be done on the day that you return to class.

Lanier Mission Statement

At Lanier Middle School, we provide a relevant rigorous academic curriculum in order to encourage students to become self-directed lifelong learners who are innovative problem solvers, effective communicators, open-minded thinkers, and caring participants in their local and global communities.

IB Mission Statement

The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programs of international education and rigorous assessment.

These programs encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

8M Cluster Teachers 

Ms. Lee-8th Mathematics 

Mr. Francois-8th Language Arts

Ms. Bano-8th Science/IPC

Mr. Duncan-8th Social Study

Ms. Cantu-Spanish