In It Together

by KN

The mind is so kind, they say

If it is such a kind thing,

Why is it screaming at me?

Why must it be so angry?

Why is it acting this way?

It must be because I’m lacking,

Because I’m begging for something

That I can’t have right now

Why can’t I have it?

Why can’t I reach it at this distance?

Comfort is far from my grasp

I am left in tears, nobody to understand me

Loneliness is described as painful,

Yet I can’t feel anything at all

Why is that?

An isolation that I may not see the end of

These questions fill my head,

Will I get out of here alive?

The only sort of calmness I get anymore

Is through an electronic device

That used to be annoying sound

Which now raises my hopes

As I open my phone,

And see that someone cared enough to message

Something I used to neglect

Dinnertime with my family

That now makes my day

Now make me feel that I am not alone

As we chat over the smallest things

Something I never cared for

Now it just washes over me

That I’m not the only one

I realize,

I guess we’re all in it together.