Alexander Hamilton Middle School


 Digital Safety promotes responsible use of digital devices. Parents/guardians are encouraged to model positive behavior, routinely monitor students' use, and hold students accountable for behaviors at home.

To receive a Chromebook, parents/guardians must complete this Digital Safety course, confirm completion, and return the required paperwork to their campus.


Hamilton Middle School is a Verizon Innovative Learning School's campus that provides access to Chromebooks for on and off campus use in addition to desktop computers and other technology equipment. In order for students to use HISD devices and accounts (both on and off campus), we require all students to comply with our technology policies. 

This form can be found at the bottom of this page and will come bundled with the 2022 HISD VILS Policy form if you or your student received a printed packet from Hamilton Middle School.

Internet safety

Houston Independent School District has adopted an Acceptable Use Policy that maintains compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). 


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) ensures that the privacy of student records is protected. Access to these records is restricted through the use of usernames and passwords. 

Acceptable Actions

Students are expected to follow network etiquette at all times. This includes being courteous to others, not using profanity, keeping login information private, and letting an adult know if something inappropriate happens. 

Unacceptable Actions

Students are not allowed to use district-owned devices in a manner that causes harm to others, damages the device, violates copyright laws, or sends potentially harmful data/information to others. 

Penalties For Improper Use

The HISD Code of Conduct outlines the possible consequences for violating these rules. Consequences may range from campus disciplinary actions to legal action as determined by the level of misconduct. 


 Social Media and Digital Footprints: Our Responsibilities 

How does using social media affect our digital footprints? 

The digital world allows students to socialize, communicate, and stream music or movies 24/7. it allows for exposure to risks 

Help Your Student Post, Comment, and Upload Responsibly

When you post something online, you no longer have control over what happens to that information, comment or photo. Talk with your child about what would and would not be appropriate to share online. Click here for family tips

Social Media 101: What parents need to know

Cyber Safety / Social Media 101

Why it's popular: Teens like using it to share quick tidbits about their lives with friends. It's also great for keeping up with what's going on in the world -- breaking news, celebrity gossip, etc. What parents need to know: Public tweets are the norm for teens. Read more it on Houston ISD here.

For information on popular apps, review the HISD Social Media 101 Page.

Is It Cyberbullying?

What is cyberbullying and what can you do to stop it?

One third of teens report either being directly exposed to cyber bullying or know someone who has. 

What's Cyberbullying?

Cyber bullying includes sharing, sending, or posting negative or hurtful content about another person.  This includes spreading rumors, threatening others, or sharing private information about someone else that could embarrass someone. Look out for cyber bullying and notify the school immediately if you find evidence of it.

Cyber bullying can happen anywhere electronic communication is involved, such as text messages, online games, social media sites, email, or instant messaging. Click here for family tips.


Getting to Know Your Chromebook

The students' parent/guardian accepts financial responsibility for any intentional damage to the Chromebook or damage due to gross negligence. 

The Chromebook is a web-based device that uses the Google Chrome operating system and Google Drive for cloud based storage. Students can only access web-based applications. The Chromebook can also be used in tablet mode.

Your student will receive:

Chromebook Left Side View

Chromebook Right Side View

Device Care

Pack It

When you have finished working on the Chromebook for the day, remember to place it put it away for protection.

No Eating or Drinking

Keep all food and drink away from the Chromebook.

Swipe and Sweep

Clear the keyboard BEFORE closing the Chromebook. Items left on the keyboard may cause damage to the screen when it is closed.

Charge it Up

Shut down & charge up the Chromebook nightly.



Canvas is a learning management system (LMS) that allows students 24-7 access to instructional resources for all of students courses. Canvas can be visited by navigating to in any web browser. Click here to visit Canvas for Houston ISD.

Canvas is where students' digital classrooms, assignments, announcements,  and resources are located online.

CLICK HERE to sign up for a Parent Observer Account to view your scholar's class assignments and announcements on a browser, iOS, or Android.

How to Find It on the Chromebook?

Students can type into the address bar.

Final Steps


Thank you for participating!

Please submit the form below to verify completion of this course and ensure your student will receive their chromebook during the first week of school.


Directions: Please PRINT, READ, SIGN, and RETURN the documents below.

REMEMBER: These forms will also be given to visiting parents prior to the first day and directly to students in the first day packet they receive on the first day of school. These documents can be returned with the student to campus.