

MASTER Cohort 6 Assignment List
Cohort 6 Meeting 12 4 2020

FAQs for Cohort 6 Online

What is this web page for?: Communication between Cohort 6 Teachers and you!

How do I see my assignments? - Use the assignment log, hub or Google Calendar

How do I submit my assignments? Submit them all on the Hub

When are assignments due? Assignments are due as the teacher instructs. Some will be due on the class day or period, others you will have more time

Are there late penalties? All assignments have a due date. Minor grades are -10% per calendar day, Major grades are -5% per calendar day.

How can I communicate with my teachers? We will be available through email, Remind, and Microsoft Teams meetings. See your teacher's page on this website for Remind Codes and Emails. See the info sheet below for how to log into Microsoft Teams meetings.

How do I log onto Teams?

All links are on the Google Calendar. Click on your teacher's name above and click on the date on the calendar. The Microsoft Teams App will open. You may also download the app to your phone or computer. We recommend having the chat open on the app on your phone and the meeting open on your computer. See the illustration below for more details.

Where can I ask other questions? Email your study skills teacher and he/she will address it. You are also welcome to email any teacher you wish with any question you have. We are here to help.

Will we be in groups?


Do I have to attend all my Teacher's Teams?

Yes. You must have 90% attendance to get credit