
This simpel wooden catamaren is a typical Catalan / Spanish product. I was, and sometimes still is, not commonly known outside of Spain. Although the number of sailors in Belgium, France, Germany and The Netherlands are growing steadily. On this page, we try to explain the simplicity, and with it the beauty, of this catamaran.


1. The patin is extremely robust and durable, adapted to a hard life on the North Sea beach between sand, salt and sea.

2. The patin is light: with the help of some simple wide tires, the sailor can bring the boat on itself to the waterline.

3. The patin is simple: a mainsail without battens, no boom, no rudder blades, quickly rigged and easy to bring on the trailer by yourself and light in towing.

4. One sails the patin solo in competitions, but it is possible to go cruising with two (light) crew members.

5. The patin is safe: the compartments of the hulls are never full. Even with cannonball-sized perforations, further dangers can be avoided. Without a boom, the risk of injuries is reduced considerably.

6. The patin can be simply re-established after capsizing without help of the outside. If the boat is fully submerged, with the mast vertically down, it is still possible to erect it alone and without the help of others.

7. The patin is cheaper both in purchase and maintenance, compared to other catamarans.

8. The patin gives the sailor the same fun and speed as a catamaran. The speed potential is comparable to that of a Hobie Cat 16. Only a trapeze is not present, on a patin we use the footbands to lean outwards.


The patin is a catamaran built in staple wood and comes from Catalonia, Spain. In fact, the Pati Catala is the oldest sport catamaran in the world. It was developed from a catamaran platform, that accompanied the swimmers at sea in the beginning of the 20th century and was driven with a long paddle. Nowadays, the boat has evolved into a full-blooded catamaran. Steering blades have never been placed on it (the Patin was a rowing boat) and the rigging is extremely simple with a single mainsail without battens or boom.

In Spain the Patin is mainly represented in the sailing clubs of Catalonia, but also the fleets in Andalusia are constantly growing. Currently, the Patin in Spain has the status of a 'one-design' class. The regional and national big regattas count the largest number of participants (more than 100) after the Optimist class.

Also in Belgium there has been a fleet of Patin sailors since the end of the sixties, with the largest concentration in Bredene. The class has been reviving for a few years now, thanks to a rejuvenation of the fleet and initiatives to grow the fleet with us.

The Patin à Véla in measurements:

Length 5,60 meter

Width 1,60 meter

Weigth 98 Kg

Sailsurface 12 meter²

Height (length mast) 7 meter