Why Physics?

Why Study Physics?

Physics is interesting!

Physics helps us to understand how the world around us works, from can openers, light bulbs and cell phones to muscles, lungs and brains; from paints, piccolos and pirouettes to cameras, cars and cathedrals; from earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes to quarks, DNA and black holes.

Physics is useful!

Physics is the basis for most modern technology and Physics provides quantitative and analytic skills needed for analyzing data and solving problems in the sciences, engineering and medicine, as well as in economics, finance, management, law and public policy. As you can see it is the basis for so many different areas!

Physics is challenging!!

This is one aspect that scares off many students.

But it is precisely one of the most important reasons why you should study physics!

All of us - including professional physicists - find school physics courses challenging, because they require us to master the many concepts and skills that make training in physics so valuable in such a wide range of careers.

This is what makes is such a respected A level and one most certainly worth battling to get! It's not all about the end grade you get, but the skills you learn to get there

Physics opens the door to many career options!

More options, in fact, than almost any other school subject!

Many students believe they should only take A Level Physics if they are going to become a Physicist or a Scientist. This is WRONG and couldn’t be further from the truth.

Studying A-level physics doesn’t restrict your options, it expands them. As well as being needed for many careers in science and engineering the skills and knowledge that you can develop by studying physics keeps the door open to doing just about everything else.

Not taking physics closes the door to more career options. You can’t become an engineer or a doctor without physics; you’re far less likely to get a job in teaching; your video games will be boring and your animated movies won’t look realistic; and your policy judgments on global warming will be less compelling.

In fact Russel Group universities recommend that you study at least two from: Physics, Mathematics ,English literature ,Chemistry, Biology, Geography, History or A language

University and other recruiters recognise the value of physics! - Check out some jobs below!

Possible Degrees


Software Engineer










Sport Science


Computer Game Design



Computer Science




Possible Careers



Science Journalist


Sports Engineer

Medical Physicist

Patent Attorney


Games designer


App Developer



Quantity surveyor



Software Developer

Visual Effect Technician

Cyber Security

Sound Producer/Technician



Studying A Level Physics could lead to some degrees or careers that you didn’t you could do. The above pathways are a small sample of degrees & careers that you could pursue by choosing A Level Physics.

In reality, a Physics A Level is so well sought after the list is really endless!

What could I do?.pdf

Check out this fab guide from the Institute of Physics that goes into detail of the power of a Physics A level!

This will also give you some insight into some of the cool and interesting jobs you can do with Physics