Let me entertain you!

Room 11 Technology Unit, Term 2, 2020

Over the lockdown everybody was looking for ways to keep themselves entertained. Perhaps you started to get board and would have loved something new to play with.


With a buddy you will create your own toy or activity to entertain others.


What is technology?

Technology is anything that makes our lives easier or solves a problem. How many pieces of technology do you use everyday?

Check out this video about the top 10 inventions. What do you think are the top 10 inventions?

What about toy inventions?

This website we give you a list of the 50 great toys in history.


Mrs Mclachlan’s top 5 favourite toys of all time!

What would your top 5 favourite toys be? Don't forget to think back to what you use to play with when you were younger. Why do you think you you enjoy or did enjoy playing with these toys? Create something that will share your top 5 with others. Check out Mrs Mclachlan's example!