Why did the chicken cross the road?

What is Scratch Jr?

In this lesson students will learn the basics of Scratch Jr. They will change the character and create a new background.

Skills Include:

  • Start new project

  • Change sprite

  • Create own background

  • Make sprite move

Students will also be taught how to save their projects.

Who is the fastest?

Scratch Jnr: The Running Race

In this lesson, students build on their understanding of Scratch Jnr by knowing how to control different characters at different speeds in a race.

Skills Include:

  • Character choices

  • Choosing a background

  • Controlling multiple characters at different speeds

From Day to Night

Changing the Scene

In this lesson students will learn how to change the scene using End Blocks. They will also use look blocks to change the side and hide sprites.

Skills Include:

  • Make a character disappear

  • Add a new page

  • Cutting an image from the background

A Spooky Forest

Scratch Jnr: Spooky Forest

In this lesson students learn different ways of characters moving.

Skills Include:

  • Adding text

  • Repeated Movements

  • Starting on click

Playing Basketball

Scratch Jnr: Basketball

In this lesson students learn how to move two characters simultaneously through a basketball game.

Skills Include:

  • Using the repeat block

  • Characters moving at the same time

Dance Party

Scratch Jnr: Dance Party

In this lesson student will learn about loops of patterns. Computer Scientists use loops to create less code. This makes their job much faster.

Skills Include:

  • Using loops

  • Adding sound

  • Adding own face to a character

Talking & Responding

Scratch Jnr: Talking and Responding

In this lesson students learn how to

Skills Include:

  • Adding speech

  • Understanding how the characters can interact with each other


Scratch Jnr: Multiple Character Conversation

In this lesson students learn how to hold a conversation between multiple characters.

Skills Include:

  • Multiple characters speaking in one scene without talking over each other.


Students now have a range of building blocks for using Scratch Jr.

Their challenge is to use these in a transferable way in other subject areas. To take it further use a picture book and get students to create code to retell the story. A story that has more than one scene will support students to create using the tools from the previous session.

Other Projects