Our Vision of

Learn, Create, Share

How do we do Learn/Create/Share in Science?


We aim to provide students with a consistent, reliable and a guaranteed curriculum. To achieve this goal, our students access learning through SciPads. This workbook is the seed that inspires our students to investigate areas of Science that they become interested in. All our the Hornby High School Science teachers use their websites to navigate their way through the Science curriculum.


There are two main ways our students show creativity in Science. The first way is through conducting essential experiments to demonstrate and explain their understanding. Secondly, our students are encouraged to investigate ways of creating a deeper understanding of a topic through experimenting, researching, builds, designing and producing.


Sharing our creativity promotes connections and collaborations between students and across an authentic audience. Students begin by activating their prior knowledge and building the capacity of others. The predominate way we share our work is through blogs.
