Earthquake Drill


Dear fellow parents,

One of the hand-over topics from last year’s PTA was a concern from some parents regarding emergency evacuation. As a member of this year’s PTA board, in order to understand the current status, I took part in the Earthquake emergency drill held on Sept 16, 2022 as an observer. Since the school cannot accommodate all parents to observe, I feel it my duty to report my findings to you.

Here is the report that I have shared with our school.

Quick Summary:

Personally I feel satisfied as a parent and I commend the teachers for the execution. If you have any concerns or questions regarding below report, please let me know.

For those interested in the details of my experience, here is the report that I have shared with our school.

Serving as your PTA Chairperson ’22-’23

Sadato Kobayashi

—— The experience ——

Here are some general observations and what I felt as a parent.

I was on the ground floor between 9:29-9:33 to observe the youngest children, thinking that that must be the most chaotic to manage.

The overall execution was very good, and actually exceeded my expectations.

  • 9:30 earthquake alert. Within seconds - tens of seconds all classes had all children under tables. The only couple of exceptions were a few legs sticking out here and there. Child in need of special attention was receiving it from a teacher privately.

  • 9:32 Children had their head protection on, and were en route to the rooftop, single-file, silent, obeying teachers.

    • There was a PE class ongoing in the gym, and they also followed the protocol.

    • Traffic in corridors and staircases were well managed by teachers who made sure not to interrupt class lines.

    • Upon evacuation of each floor, an entire floor sweep was done by administrators and communicated via walkie-talkie — “1st floor All Clear” sort of communication.

  • 9:38 All the classes were assembled on the rooftop, each lined up by class, with headcount checked, and identifiable by a hand-held card per class.

Personally, I was positively surprised by the speed, discipline, and overall execution of the evacuation of 450 people. As a parent, I feel reassured that we have a protocol in place, and that it is followed both by the teachers as well as the students who follow the teachers. It was much more civilized than what I remember from my school days.

— Room for Improvement —

I’m sure there must be small potential improvement points that each teacher realized through the exercise, and the school is currently going through a feedback and improvement loop, but from myself there were only a couple of topics I requested our school to consider.

  1. To make sure that the channel of the walkie-talkies are set to the correct one, and (if they aren’t already) to use adhesive tape with the channel printed onto them so that people who are holding them are sure they are on the right channel. (Countermeasure for a scenario that batteries need to be replaced or someone accidentally changes the channel). There seemed to be some chatter of some uncertainty of which channel was being used.

  2. Before someone speaks, make a habit of using the ringer tone to alert the receiving people that you are going to say something. Despite the silence in the stairways, to me it seemed that the footsteps of all the children muffled the walkie-talkie messages and people might have been missing the first few words of what was being said.

The only other potential risks I felt were:

  • whether the height of the rooftop is enough (I understand that this is a debatable topic)

  • potential debris from neighboring building

  • whether the rooftop net can be removed when needed

—— Next——

I wasn’t able to stay longer to confirm the emergency supplies, but I will do that at a later opportunity.

I commend the teachers for the execution.








—— 体験レポート——




  • 9:30 地震発生(想定)です。 数秒~数十秒以内に、全てのクラスの全員の頭がテーブルの下にありました。数名だけですが、足が少しはみ出ている子供がいました。補助を必要とする子供には教員が個別にサポートしていました。

- 9:32 子供たちは頭に頭巾かヘルメットを被った状態で屋上に向かいはじめました。1列に並び、静かに教員に従っていました。

  • この時、体育館では偶々上級生の体育の授業が行われており、そちらも決まりに従って避難を開始しました。

-  廊下や階段の交通整理は各階で教員が立って行なっており、通行中のクラスを遮らないようにしていました。

- 各階の避難が終わる毎に、管理者がトイレと教室全てを巡回し、トランシーバで「1階オールクリア」と通信していました。

- 9:38 全てのクラスは屋上に集合し終わっていました。各クラスごとに列ができており、人数確認が済んだクラスはそれを表すカードを、先頭の人が持っていました。

私は450人の避難のスピードと規律、そして全体的な実行にとても驚きました。 保護者としては、プロトコールが用意されており、先生だけでなく、先生に従う生徒たちもそれに従っていることに安心感を覚えました。 自分自身の学生時代の時より遥かに規律正しく実施されていました。

—— 改善の余地——


1) トランシーバのチャネルが正しく設定されていることを確認し、テプラ等で正しいチャネルを記載しておくと良いと思います(電池交換の際や、誰かが誤ってチャネルを変更した場合の対策)。 実際、当時どのチャネルが使用されているかついて、確認の声が少し聞こえてきたため。

2) トランシーバで話す前に、呼び出し音を使う習慣を付ける事をお勧めします。着信側の人に自分が何かを言うことを知らせないと、 いくら静かに階段を登っていても沢山の子供達の足音が通信音をかき消してしまい、最初の部分を聞き逃してしまいます。


- 屋上の高さが十分であるかどうか(これは色々議論の対象となりますが)

- 隣接する建物からの落下物のおそれ

- 必要に応じて屋上のネットを簡単に外せるか

—— 次に——

