Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

1st October: Newsletter 4

School Photos

Individual School Photographs will take place on Monday 4th October.

Please ensure your child attends school in full uniform for the photos. If your child has PE or Forest School, please send them with their kit to change into after photos have been taken.


At Harvest, we encourage the children to appreciate the things they are fortunate to have in their lives and to be thankful for these. We also talk about working together so we can all make a difference to the lives of others.

This year we are asking for donations which will support a number of local charities:

  1. The local foodbank who would appreciate any donations of dried and tinned foods, and toiletries

  2. The Community Giving Box based in Trinity Walk welcome any donations of children's winter clothing, shoes or toys in good condition. These can then be distributed directly to local families through charities such as Stepping Stones Baby Bank and The Clothing Bank

Over the next 2 weeks, we will have boxes by the gates each morning and evening for any donations you are able to make towards our collection.

We are holding a Harvest Service on Wednesday 20th October. All Key Stage 1 and 2 children are involved. as we can now meet together again in school. Unfortunately, we are not able to have all families attending events again yet.

We would like to invite Year 6 families to attend the service as it will be the last Harvest their children have at primary school. (details to follow)

We will be recording the service to share with all families.


We welcome Mrs Kimberley Woods to the staff team. She will be joining us next week as a Teaching Assistant.

At half term, we will sadly be saying 'Goodbye' to Hannah in the office as she leaves school to take up a new post. We will miss her and wish her all the best with her career and future.

It's Good to Grow

We are now live on the Morrisons website and will be collecting Grow tokens up until Sunday 24th October. We hope to be able to purchase some gardening equipment to use in our new planters in the early years outdoor area.
When searching for our school please use our full school name 'Horbury Bridge CE Junior and Infants academy'. Thank you for your support.

Church News

Visitors in School

We are extremely excited to welcome visitors back into school. This week we have had a number of exciting visitors to enhance our curriculum.

Martial Arts

A big thank you to Nichola and Beth from Kaijua Martial Arts who visited school this week to teach the children some martial arts skills. The sessions were aimed at building confidence and boosting well being for the children.

Children will have brought home some more information about the club today, if your child is interested in a taster session. More information can be found at https://kaijuma.co.uk/ . Click each image to view more photos from the class sessions.


Class 2

Class 1

Class 3

School Nurse Visit

Angela from School Nursing visited school this week to discuss the importance of staying healthy. Class 2 discussed how to keep their teeth clean and how important they are and Class 1 took part in a hand washing session.

Hand to Mouth

Hand to Mouth, a Christian based organisation, have also been back in school this week. They worked with Class 3 on a reflective Journey, learning how Christianity is a world faith. Other classes explored our current value of Respect, with a Puppet show looking at creation and our amazing world in Reception, and exploring and valuing our own differences and uniqueness in Class 1 and 2

In case you missed it

Weekly Information

Parents Evenings

Appointments have been sent out on Class Dojo. Please contact the office if you still need to book.

Save the Date:

Saturday 6th November: St John's Church Autumn Fayre, 10am - 3pm

Inset Day

We will be closed to children on Monday 1st November for a staff training day. School will re-open after half term on Tuesday 2nd November.

Family Workshop

St John's Church, next to school, will be starting a weekly family service every Tuesday, including games, craft and a light tea, from 3.30pm until 4.30pm.

This will start the first week back after October Half Term.

Dinner Menu Next Week

Menus will now be available on Class Dojo each week and our newsletter each week.


September invoices will be sent out on Monday 4th October.

We would like to remind parents that dinners are now £2.20 per day and should be paid weekly.

Childcare should be pre-booked and this will be invoiced monthly unless requested otherwise.

Class News

Foundation Stage

Autumn is here! This week we put on our waterproofs and wellies and headed out for an Autumn walk. The children used their different senses to talk about what they could see, feel, hear and smell. They filled our baskets with lots of colourful items, talking about the reasons why they liked that item. Pippa said "I like this leaf because it's a nice red colour and it's got pointy bits and round bits." Arthur Mi added "They're crunchy when you stand on them!"

We now have a beautiful tray of Autumn items in our classroom, ready to explore more next week.

Class 1

Class 1 have been waiting eagerly for some contact from Sporg the alien (we think he is having too much fun exploring Horbury Bridge! Keep an eye out for him!) On Wednesday he sent a message telling the children his skin changes depending on how he is feeling. He wanted to know more about the human body. The children have amazed us with some of their knowledge and we have enjoyed finding out more about the human body and how it works. Flynn told us some interesting facts he found out about the tongue for his homework and Adam explained how our lungs work. We had fun using post its to label our partner's body parts, we thought carefully about both the outside and the inside.

During circle time in RE, we took turns listening to each other. Each person told the rest of the group about ourselves and places or groups we belong to. We made sure we respected each other by remembering good listening.

Keziah from Hand to Mouth, asked us to think about this further, considering how different we all are and that our unique qualities are important and we should respect these. We each chose an emoji to represent an emotion which we then used to create a class jigsaw to show we are all different but all fit together perfectly as a team.

Class 2

What a fabulous, packed week it has been in Class 2. First the children began to explore the features of a newspaper in order to become reporters. This will help them to write a newspaper report about the strange goings on in the local woodlands over the past 4 weeks.

The children have also been continuing to develop their tennis skills with our tennis coach. They all worked in pairs concentrating on hitting the tennis ball accurately. It is brilliant to see everyone using their learning from previous weeks and putting it in to action.

Class 3

This week, the archaeologists in Class 3 have discovered the entrance to King Tutankhamun's Tomb! With the help of Howard Carter, they have begun to describe their journey into the depths of the boy king's resting place. To do this they have been practising varying their sentence types and making sure to use complex, compound and simple sentences.

In art, Class 3 have been trying to recreate artwork in the style of the Ancient Egyptians. It has been difficult to stick to the correct proportions while still producing beautiful pieces of art work. Who know art could be so technical!


Foundation Stage

Elissa- for showing so much independence this week. You are a star!

Pippa- for being so focused and alert in the martial arts session this week.

Class 1

Adam - for showing and using a good understanding of our Christian Value respect.

Jude - for fully immersing himself into his chosen homework task this week. A chef in the making!

Class 2

Poppy - For always contributing great ideas in class discussions. Keep it up!

Leah - For persevering in tennis this week. You were really determined and never gave up. Well done!

Class 3

Callum - For facing his fears during swimming lessons and making brilliant progress

Gracie - For being the very best she can be in all that she does. You are a superstar!

Important Dates

Diary Dates can be found below.

Term Dates can be found on our website https://www.horburybridgeacademy.co.uk/diarydates/