Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

15th July 2022 : Newsletter 38

What an absolute privilege it was to attend the Summer show, Joseph, last night at Ossett town hall. If you were there, you’ll know, but it’s difficult to get across in words just how mind-blowingly spectacular the performance was - and, to think that none of the cast in Class 2 or Class 3 had ever performed a show before…oh and we’re a primary school - incredible.

From the overture to the final mega-mix, the performance was littered with spine-tingling moments! A stellar turn from Dan as Joseph was equally backed up by 4 exquisite voices narrating the story, a Pharaoh just waiting for a slot in Las Vegas(!), a host of brothers, Mr and Mrs Potiphar and a enthusiastic and word perfect chorus.

It’s nights like yesterday that remind us all what a privilege it is to work with such wonderful young people. Bravo, bravo!

Of course, productions of that quality don’t just happen, so a huge thank you and congratulations must also go to the staff for their hard work and dedication.

I know a number of the staff are watching Joseph this weekend as it is currently on tour…I hope they get their money’s worth, because last night will be hard to beat!

Have a lovely weekend, all, and please keep safe as the temperature rises

Mr Tuddenham

Head Teacher

Class News

Foundation Stage

Everyone in Foundation listened to a new story this week. It is called 'Oliver's Vegetables.' We learnt all about Oliver who went to his Grandad's allotment looking for potatoes. He ended up finding and eating a range of scrumptious vegetables including his potatoes, which he turned into chips!

We helped Oliver count how many vegetables were in Grandad's allotment to make sure Gran would have enough for vegetable soup. We have also completed 'Our Favourite Vegetable' surveys, worked in a fruit and vegetable shop outside and made playdough fruits.

Finally, all children have been thinking about where fruit and vegetables grow-above the ground or below the ground. Elsie said, "strawberries grow above the ground. I've seen it at home in my garden." George commented, "the potatoes is under the ground because it's dirty-it's a bit like Supertato!" We found out that those growing under the ground are called root vegetables.

Class 1

In RSHE this week we have been thinking about sun safety. This lesson came at a good time as the UK weather is extremely warm at the moment. We talked about how the sun is good for us but also the risks associated with the sun. All the children knew that we need to wear sun cream and a hat in sunny weather. They also knew we should stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and finding shade when it is especially hot. We learnt how to use the five S's to be a Sunsafe Superstar which you can listen to below.

After learning about sun safety, we designed our own Sun safety posters which we display around school to spread the message. Stay safe in the sun!

Keystage 2 - Class 2 & 3

On Tuesday, Class 3 hosted their very own fashion show! Earlier this year, the children began to learn about the fashion industry, fast fashion and the negative impact it has on the environment. The children decided that this needed to change! First, they presented to the school governors and told them how they planned to raise environmental awareness over the year, then took over the second hand uniform stall, wrote for the school newsletter and even lead a whole school assembly! After that, their hard work still wasn’t done, as they went on to teach lessons in Class 1 & 2.

Finally, they planned, organised and lead a circular fashion show and second hand clothing sale! Children from all year groups modelled donated clothes on the catwalk as the whole school cheered from the side-lines!

What a fantastic performance of Joseph at Ossett Town Hall last night. We are so proud of the children. We hope you all enjoyed the show!!

Today we are celebrating our leavers! After a busy year working hard and being the very best that they can be, Class 3 are spending the day at Calder Drift Camp Site. The day has involved team building, water games and lots of time to play, explore and enjoy each other’s company. In the evening, year 6 will enjoy a special chippy tea and will be camping over night!

Forest School

This week in Forest School reception children enjoyed some popcorn made over the fire. Unfortunately most of it was rather too crisp to eat but it hasn't put us off trying again in the future, we will definitely have another go. The children also tried out the zip line with our mini balancing car and took their stick men for a ride. It needed concentration and perseverance to get him to the end , but they managed it and are looking forward to the new cable car ride next week!

Nursery children were busy in the mud kitchen , making dens and testing out the see-saw to name just a few activities.

Class 1 had free choice this week and were perfecting their tool techniques, using the hand saws, peelers, hand drill and hammers. There were some amazing projects and the children are definitely developing their independence in this area

It was also year 3's turn to be Viking chefs. Instead of salting the meat to preserve it, they made a jar without any preservatives so that they can compare both jars (salted and unsalted). In September they can see which seems the most edible, if any! They made several flavoured teas including lavender, rose petal, spiced, and ginger and rosemary. The favourites this week were spiced and lavender. For their finale as Vikings they made their own butter using gold top milk, double cream and Elmlea, to see which worked the best. The Elmlea just whisked itself, the milk did work but produced much less butter and was harder to work, but the double cream produced excellent creamy butter that was devoured on bread and crackers much quicker than it took to make. Butter making was certainly a hit and don't be surprised if they ask to make it at home.

Weekly Information


Year 6 Leavers service Wednesday 20th July - 9.15am

In case you missed it

Link to Diary dates Click here

Key Stage 2 Performance - JOSEPH

Joseph performance - click here to order the Joseph DVD's


Foundation Stage

Annie-For working with her friends in different areas of learning. Great co-operation and super turn taking.

Amelia-For helping our new member of class on transition day by being kind and considerate.

Class 1

Adam - For contributing more in class discussions and showing super knowledge in our RE and science discussions. Keep it up!

Dylan - For showing a positive attitude to learning and trying really hard to improve his handwriting.

Class 2

Martha - For always trying hard in all that you do. You always persevere when you find something tricky at first.

Noah H - For your amazing attitude and conduct during all our Joseph rehearsals.

Class 3

Eva and Charlie - for been star pupils at Horbury Academy taster day

Community News

Important Dates

Diary Dates can be found below.

Term Dates can be found on our website https://www.horburybridgeacademy.co.uk/diarydates/