Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

9th July: Newsletter 33


Thank you for all your generous contributions towards the prizes on our stall next week. We really are fortunate to have such supportive families and we do value this.

Following the removal of the play equipment last week, the surface where the adventure trail was, is now being made safe. Outdoor Classrooms, our supplier, have not only deferred our invoice for this but are also generously donating a climbing log for the area.

Depending on our fundraising success next year, we hope to be able to put further development plans in place. As all the materials currently being installed, can be moved and re-used, nothing will be wasted from this first stage.

Young Leaders

As the end of the school year draws to an end it's time to say a big thank you and well done to the Young Leaders group. Throughout the year they have shown a big commitment to helping our community and the wider world in their after school sessions. They began the year by focussing on healthy lifestyles then worked on renewing our Fairtrade school award. Most recently they did a litter pick around the village and turned their focus to fundraising for the school including the very popular bun and ice cream sale. In their final sessions they have created a "Name the Dinosaur" game and made "Love Horbury" keyrings to sell at the forthcoming church Mini Market.

This week the group requested one final cooking session for them and their Year 6 friends. To link the session to their learning in class the children decided on a space theme. They were set the challenge to create a space scene out of shortbread biscuits. The results were fabulous and included planets, shooting stars, rockets and even an astronaut on a space walk!

Summer Reading Challenge

Wakefield Council have teamed up with The Reading Agency and WWF for a special nature themed challenge this Summer. The theme is "Wild World Heroes" and our school could win £500 worth of books or a visit to school by the poet Matt Goodfellow.

We need as many children as possible to complete the challenge! Five schools with the highest percentage of children completing the challenge will be awarded a specially chosen collection of books worth £500. The two schools with the highest rate of completion will be offered an exciting visit to their school by poet Matt Goodfellow.

It's free and family friendly and is available in libraries now!

Children will have brought home some more information and a bookmark to kick start the exciting activities. All you need to do is sign up at your local library and you receive a Wild World Heroes collector folder to collect special stickers and win incentives throughout the challenge. All children who complete the challenge will receive a certificate and medal.

Staffing News

At the end of term , both Mrs Jolly and Miss Schofield will sadly be leaving us.

Mrs Jolly has worked in school for over 15 years, firstly supporting children in class before then using her previous catering experience to set up our own school kitchen. In addition to cooking both in the kitchen and with the children in school, she leads our Young Leaders group in their Global Goals work which has led to our achievement of FairAchiever School status and the Eco Green Flag. She is now looking forward to a well earned retirement!

Mrs Lintott has been taking over the role as Catering Manager this year and we will be welcoming Mrs Hughes to join her in the kitchen in September.

Miss Schofield will be known to many of you as Key Stage 1 teacher and also in her role as SENCo, leading our Special Educational Needs work throughout school. After reducing her hours this year so she could spend more time with her young twins, she has decided to work on a more ad hoc basis working as a supply teacher to cover in different schools -so we may even get to see her here again! Mrs Skinner will be coordinating the ongoing work for any SEN concerns you may have.

We will miss both of these valued members of staff and wish them all the best for the future


Orders placed prior to the summer order deadline have now arrived. We will be receiving a further delivery over summer and the office will contact you when it is ready to collect. We are also still collecting good quality second hand uniform; in particular summer dresses, PE kit and jumpers and cardigans.

We do have a limited number of the logo polo shirts in stock, available for only £8.50 (normally £9.50 and not usually in stock).

The following are available . To order please, email the office

Navy Size Small, Navy Size 13 x 2, Jade Green Size 13 x 2, White Size 11/12 x 1, Jade Green Size 11/12 x 2, Navy 7/8 x 3, Navy 5/6 x 2


We can confirm that in September, we will be running our childcare services from 7.30am - 5.30pm. We will review the demand for these times each half term to check they are cost effective and are meeting parents' needs.

To book places for September onwards, please complete the online booking form before the end of term. by Monday 19th July.

Book here: Breakfast and After School Club booking

In case you missed it

Volunteer to help on our stall at the Church Mini Market here: Stall helper

Summer Holiday Club

We are still taking bookings for our 6 week summer holiday club: Booking form

Emails sent home this week:

Class 2 : PG Film Consent

Whole School: St Johns Church, After School Service

Whole School: RSHE information and consultation

Whole School: Childcare Requirements for September

Community News

St Johns Church, Horbury Bridge are exploring the possibility of a fun weekly after-school service which would involve crafts, games and food.

To help with their planning and decide how best to approach this, they would appreciate it if you could spare a couple of minutes to complete the following survey: Church survey

Class News


As the end of the academic year approaches and the children get ready to move into their new class, we have been spending lots of time thinking and talking about our feelings emotions. The children have been very honest talking about how they are feeling and after listening to one another, they decided that it's ok to be feeling a range of emotions.

The children have enjoyed using mirrors to make their faces, act out different emotions and they also added facial expressions to paper dolls to show how they felt that day. Next week, Reception will be spending time getting to know their new Class 1 teacher Mrs Ball in their Forest School session. Meanwhile, our current Nursery children will get the opportunity to play games and have a talk time with Miss Painter about their new class in September.

Class 1

What a busy week in Class 1! For the past two weeks we have been learning about time. We have learnt a time song, made a clock for home and created a playdough clock in school. Tick tock on the clock! We can tell the time to the hour, half past and some of can tell quarter past and quarter to.

In English we wrote postcards to Sunny the Meerkat from Mum and Dad. Sunny was loving life at Uncle Bob’s because it was hot and the food was delicious. The children wrote back to Sunny saying how much they missed him and wanted him home. Ben wrote “ Your brothers and sisters are going wild without you so come home soon!”


Cycle North visited us to help Class 1 develop their 'bikeability' skills. Over 3 days, the children improved their balance and control by using balance bikes; practised manoeuvring round a course with pedal bikes and learnt how to use hand signals correctly when turning.

The children loved the sessions and whatever their ability at the start, they all became confident in using new skills.

Class 2

Our English writing focus this week has been based on the film ‘A Night At the Museum’. The children have been working on building up tension and suspense, using elements of onomatopoeia, alliteration and varied sentence lengths to add effect. They worked in pairs at the beginning of the week, experimenting with these techniques and then marked their writing against their success criteria. Today, they have produced some impressive independent pieces based on the trailer for the film and have taken care to include all the above elements.

We have been learning about Pop Art which means ‘popular art’ - a movement which began in the mid 50’s. We have researched and created images in the style of Andy Warhol using our favourite items that are popular now. The children have loved producing these and we are very impressed with them!

In samba, the class were perfecting the ‘cup song’ which involves great concentration, following tricky rhythms and beats and using musical language. As always, the children thoroughly enjoyed the challenge!

Class 3

Class 3 have continued to work hard towards their end of year performance this week and we are looking forward to sharing this with Class 3 parents on Wednesday. They have also been making great progress in their enterprise project.

In PE this week we played the warm up game of capture the flag. This game helps the children work on their fitness, spatial awareness and agility. We then finished with a game of grenades which involves them working on their throwing into space and catching.


Lower Nursery

Reception and
Upper Nursery

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3


Having a positive attitude and always managing to make your friends and teachers smile. Well done!

Henry: Maturing so much over the last term. You are trying so hard to ensure you always have 'good looking eyes' and 'good listening ears'

William Bu: Working hard in all areas of learning. You have really stood out this week for your perseverance and resilience


A super attitude to learning this week and trying hard to follow our class promises


Having a brilliant growth mindset and having a go even if a task is tricky


For making good progress in reading and writing - keep it up!


Showing excellent concentration and a great attitude to learning - well done!

Molly: Being brilliant in show rehearsals! Your acting and singing is fantastic

Joel: Being a brilliant 'Grandad' in our show. Your acting is brilliant and you are a star!

Important Dates

Diary Dates can be found below

Term Dates can be found on our website https://www.horburybridgeacademy.co.uk/diarydates/