Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

2nd July: Newsletter 32

Sports Days

It was wonderful to be able to have families attending school events again this week. Thank you to everyone who came to one of our sports day and for your co-operation in making sure our socially distanced events ran smoothly.

There was lots of fun and also some fierce competition - especially in the parent races! Every class enjoyed their afternoon and the children showed great support and encouragement for each other, which shows what caring and sporting attitudes they have.

We have lots of photos of each class. Click the image to view the photos from each Sports Day.

Upper Nursery


Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

Well being Charter Mark

We are delighted to have received the Wakefield Well being Charter Mark which recognises our commitment to the health and well being of all children and staff in school.


The adventure play area and dragon areas are now well past their useful life and are expensive areas to replace. We are beginning fundraising to redevelop these alongside the continued development of the Foundation Stage outdoor area.

We are fortunate that our supplier has offered to help us out by beginning some of the work and invoicing us next year whilst we fundraise. This weekend, work will start on the adventure trail area, which is being removed and the surface made safe and replaced; giving us our first target of £5,000 .

We will share more ideas for the whole area, soon.

Please do come and support our stall at the Mini Market, St Peter's Church on Saturday 17th July.

In case you missed it

Community News

Non uniform day:
Bring a Bottle on Friday 9th July to use as a prize at the Church mini market

Volunteer to help on our stall at the Church Mini Market here:

Summer Holiday Club

We are delighted to confirm that we will definitely be running our 6 week Summer Holiday Club.
We are still taking bookings:
Booking form

Would you like to take part?

Applications are open for BBC One's Eat Well for Less.

Class News


Foundation have enjoyed experimenting in Forest School, finding out how to use their body weight to move the see saw up and down. William Br said 'I have to move my weight from one foot to the other to make it move.'

The children used their communication and language skills to work as a team as well as their gross motor skills to achieve the movement they wanted.


Reception had a fantastic music session with Miss Spalding, using the tuned boomwhackers.

Watch how well they did!

Whilst our Lower Nursery children are still a little young to understand the concept of racing in a line at the same time, they still haven't missed out on the fun with their own special type of sports day. This morning they completed their own obstacle course to win a gold medal, just like everyone else has this week!

Class 1

Class 1 have enjoyed gathering information about the main character of Meerkat Mail. We are busy writing a character description about him, making sure we think carefully about what he looks like, where he lives, what he likes and dislikes and about his family. We have looked closely at pictures of meerkats and drew our own Sunny in the Kalahari Desert.

We have also spent some time designing a front cover for our version of 'Billy’s Bucket' making sure the illustrations gave us some clues about the text and checking it had a title and the author (us!) on the front. Mrs Ball said she would definitely buy them if she saw them in a book shop!

Our hopes and dreams are all displayed on our Hope display, alongside our parents’ hopes and dreams for us! We are all reaching for the stars!

Class 2

Class 2 all took part in a fabulous sports afternoon on Wednesday. All the children were in good spirits and offered such great support and praise towards each other. Lots of fun was had and of course exercise!

In RE, the children have been exploring Rites of Passage and started out by looking at the similarities and differences between an Infant Baptism and a Believers Baptism. Following on from this, we then began to look at the Jewish ceremony- Bar/Bat Mitzvah. There was a lot of new religious vocabulary to discuss and the children asked some great questions and expressed their thoughts clearly.

Year 4 spent Thursday morning with Miss Riley as part of their transition and were so excited to be doing some science work with her. They explored magnets and made magnetic games.

Class 3

This week, Year 6 have taken part in 'bikeability'; learning how to use control and ride their bikes safely. They were able to use their skills and develop road awareness in the local area.

In other news, rehearsals for our end of year production are in full swing. The children have been practising the songs, learning dance routines and reciting their lines!


Lower Nursery

Reception and
Upper Nursery

Class 1


Listening carefully to how to use the easel and brushes and taking time to produce a beautiful painting


Being a fantastic role model at 'tidy up time'


Making an amazing junk model dinosaur; taking time and using new materials and techniques


A super attitude to learning and following the class promises


Becoming much more involved in class discussions and being so helpful

Class 2

Class 3

Special Achievement Award


Building his confidence and showing great determination


Always giving 100%, no matter what the task is that he is given


Having such motivation and enthusiasm during rehearsals for the show


Having such motivation and enthusiasm during rehearsals for the show

Leo, Joshua and Charlie:

Being such super stars in drumming lessons.

Mr Whiteley has been very impressed with their progress this year.

Important Dates

Diary Dates can be found below

Term Dates can be found on our website https://www.horburybridgeacademy.co.uk/diarydates/