Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

18th June: Newsletter 30

Young Leaders

Having had a busy baking session on Wednesday, the Young Leaders held a bake and ice cream sale yesterday.

They would like to thank all those who supported them. They are donating their £130 takings to school.

Well done and thank you to Mrs Jolly and the Young Leaders for all their organisation and hard work.

End of year events

This Government have issued new guidance to schools about end of term events. We are currently working out how we can organise our planned sports days and leavers services events in line with this and will keep you up to date when these are finalised.

Classes need to continue to be kept separately and so we will are adapting our transition activities for children moving up to new classes. All teachers will be remaining in the same classes next year.

Year 2 have spent an afternoon in Forest School getting to know Mr Hammond this week. This is his last day in school this term as he will be having an operation next week. We wish him well and look forward to seeing him again in September. We will be welcoming Mrs Biscombe to join us in working alongside Mrs Findlay, teaching Class 2 for the remainder of this term.

Wellbeing NHS Survey

The local NHS wants to find out what young people want and need when it comes to support with mental wellbeing and have created a short survey for you to give your views on this. The survey is anonymous, but responses will be used to help the local NHS create the right services.

Children and young people survey: https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/WFwellbeing/. You can also text/ring your comments to 07970 204 924 or email wakccg.engagement@nhs.net.

The survey will close on 18 July 2021.

Community News

In case you missed it

More information about community and sports groups can be found on the 'Community' tab at the top of every newsletter

Emails sent home this week
Class 1
: Learn to ride sessions

Year 6: Horbury and Ossett Summer School

Summer Holiday Club

We are delighted to confirm that we will definitely be running our 6 week Summer Holiday Club.
We are still taking bookings: Booking form link


To support emotional wellbeing, this half term Miss Boldra will be offering a 'drop in' service for children if they want someone to talk to. about anything which is bothering them She has been carrying out a short wellbeing survey with all children in small groups, to help us find out the sort of issues that may want to talk about further.

Class News


There were lots of questions on Monday morning with the arrival of some giant eggs in our classroom. The children came to the conclusion that these must have been left by dinosaurs and had a lot of questions they wanted to find the answers to. Some of these included, "What type of dinosaurs are inside?" and "Does the mummy sit on the eggs to help them hatch?"

Other new activities for the week included making dinosaur pasta skeletons, searching the sandpit for fossils and rescuing dinosaurs from ice eggs in the water tray.

Class 1

This week we have worked in mixed pairs for some tasks which really helped our co=operation and teamwork skills. We recapped some important maths learning used the iPads to research some of our science questions. We found out why coral is important in our oceans.

The whole class thought it would be a great idea to use our lovely Hapa Zome prints as part of cards for Father’s Day. We wrote instructions explaining the process for our Dads and other special family members.

Class 2

To celebrate the Great Science Share this week, Class 2 have been asking lots of 'Big Questions'. They then sorted and classified them into questions which were impossible to answer, questions that could be answered using secondary sources and questions that could be answered by carrying out a scientific enquiry. The class decided to answer 'What happens to a bulb when you add more cells?' They then set to work investigating with the circuits and experimenting what happens when they change different variables in their scientific enquiry.

Class 3

This week, class 3 have embarked on two new projects. Firstly, after casting our end of year show, the children have taken part in their first, full read through. They have enjoyed the opportunity to flex their drama muscles and I sure before long they will be 'Oscar' ready!

The children have also begun their Apprentice style enterprise project in which they have been challenged to design and promote a jungle destination hotel. Each group has been assigned a different country for their resort and after finding out about their country, they have begun to consider their company vision and values and carrying out market research!


Lower Nursery

Reception and
Upper Nursery

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3


A fantastic big play session. It was lovely to see you using all of the different equipment with confidence. Well done!

Annabelle: Growing in confidence with your number work. Well done!

George W:

Being a dinosaur expert. It has been lovely to hear you share your knowledge with your friends

Thomas: A super week of learning and being a great role model during partner work

Jackson: Working hard in Maths, showing flexibility in working with new people and changes in routine

Arrietty: For always being positive, smiling and persevering when things get tricky with your learning

Leo: For always having a positive mindset in everything you do. You always make sure you're the best you can be

Ivan: Capturing the style of Henri Rousseau and creating a beautiful artist study

Flossy: Capturing the style of Henri Rousseau and creating a beautiful artist study

Important Dates

Diary Dates can be found below

Term Dates can be found on our website https://www.horburybridgeacademy.co.uk/diarydates/