Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

24th September: Newsletter 3

Inset Day

We will be closed to children on Monday 1st November for a staff training day. School will re-open after half term on Tuesday 2nd November.

School Photos

Individual School Photographs will take place on Monday 4th October. This year we will be able to offer slots to those parents who wish to bring siblings in who do not attend Horbury Bridge for family photos. More information will be sent out next week.

Community News

Save the Date:

Saturday 6th November: St John's Church Autumn Fayre, 10am - 3pm

Horbury Heritage Day

There are a number of heritage walks around Horbury happening on Saturday 25th September. One of these is around Horbury Bridge, highlighting some of the history of the school, church, park, a couple of the mills and the river area, among other things. St Johns Church will have a small display of old photos of the village and will be open from 11am. The walk will be leaving from there at 12 noon should you wish to join it.

In Horbury, St Peter's Church will also be open, displaying local items and 3 further walks will start from there.

Further information about the heritage day can be found on the "Horbury Heritage Day 2021" Facebook site.

Family Workshop

St John's Church, next to school, will be starting a weekly family service every Tuesday, including games, craft and a light tea, from 3.30pm until 4.30pm.

This will start the first week back after October Half Term.

In case you missed it

Weekly Information

Parents Evenings

We will hold parents meetings for Cl1, 2, 3 on Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th October. Bookings will open on Monday 27th September and confirmations will be sent out my Friday 1st October.

Miss Painter will arrange her meetings with Foundation Stage parents

Morrisons Vouchers

We have registered to take part in the Morrisons 'It's Good to Grow' scheme which runs until 24th October. We are waiting for Morrsions to confirm our participation before you can allocate your online vouchers to us.

More details will follow once this has been confirmed.

Nasal Flu Vaccinations

The School Nurse will be in school Friday 15th October to administer the vaccinations.

Dinner Menu Next Week

Menus will now be available on Class Dojo each week and our newsletter each week.

Class News

Foundation Stage

It has been very exciting in our outdoor area this week. We had the grand opening of our new sandpit and the children couldn't wait to get building. Allanah said "It's so fun because it's lots bigger than the one we have inside. You can build bigger castles."

We also had a delivery of beautiful plants for our new planters, thanks to a very kind and generous parent. Our children loved getting their fingers dirty when planting them and learned how to use some gardening tools. Over the coming weeks we will be talking about how we can take care of them.

Class 1

Something very unexpected happened yesterday! After lunch, we were surprised and slightly worried to find warning tape across our classroom doors!

When we entered, we found that something had crashed in there! There was a lot of discussion about what it could be - ideas ranged from the red rocket from 'The Smeds and The Smoos' story, crashing, to it being the flying car in Harry Potter! Finally, we discovered a letter from Sporg, an alien from Planet Yirp who wanted to know about our planet. We discussed all the wonderful things about Earth and created posters to show Sporg when he returns to school.

In Forest School the children in Class 1 loved exploring natural painting using the juice of crushed elderberries and handmade paintbrushes using grass, leaves or feathers.

Class 2

This week in Class 2, we found out that the missing boy has been located but two more children have gone missing! The class stepped back into their roles as detectives to investigate these suspicious activities and wrote some fantastic setting descriptions of the crime scene.

Class 2 have also been working on their teamwork skills in PE. They all took part in relay races which tested a multitude of different skills. They all had a great time and can't wait to do it again.

Class 3

This week, Class 3 have begun to investigate levers. The children tried following instructions and using loose and fixed pivots to create a lever and an output. They then moved on to experimenting with their own levers- some even created two outputs! We also discussed how the Ancient Egyptians might have used levers to build the pyramids.


Foundation Stage

Charlie: Being such a grown up boy saying goodbye to his grown up each morning.

George P: Being involved in all his learning and asking and answering lots of questions

Class 1

Romana: Showing super knowledge of the world and creativity when making a poster for the alien who crash landed in our classroom

Darcie: Always being a fantastic role model and helping the new class members

Class 2

Eliza: For always being a role model in Class 2. You always try your best and contribute to every lesson

Daniel: For a great start in Year 4 - especially in writing! You are trying so hard to be the best that you can be!

Class 3

Evie: For being a fantastic Year 6 role model and embracing all of her learning!

Dan: For working hard to develop his tennis skills by listening carefully to the coach

Important Dates

Diary Dates can be found below.

Term Dates can be found on our website https://www.horburybridgeacademy.co.uk/diarydates/