Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

25th March 2022 : Newsletter 25

The sunny weather has meant we have been able to play together on the field and have lunch outside.

Rock Your Socks

Thank you to children and parents who joined in to rock their socks on Monday to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day. This day raises awareness of Down Syndrome and the importance of inclusion so everyone can participate fully in life.

We learned some Makaton in assembly and we loved our sock selfie video!


Fast Fashion

On behalf of Class 3, this newsletter entry has been written by Henry, Myles, Tom, Charlie and Ivan.

"Over the past few weeks, Class 3 have been learning about fast fashion.

Did you know that every year more than 300,000 tonnes of clothes go into landfill? It takes more than 200 years for the clothes to decompose in landfill. 1/3 of an average bag of rubbish is made of packaging materials from clothing.

Surprisingly, there are some positives about fast fashion too: it is cheap and easy to buy; there is lots of it all around the world; it is easy to manufacture and it gives people jobs.

A group of children from Class 3 have taken over the running of our school second-hand/recycling school uniform stall. It will be open on Monday 28th from 3:00pm if your child needs good-quality uniform. The prices will range from 50p to £2.00.

Other groups in the class have been busy too: one is planning to deliver a whole school assembly; one spoke to governors explaining the class's plans and two are leading lessons in other classes.

It is our group's job to contribute to the whole school newsletter. Please watch our short video too"


Menu: Click the photo to see next week's menu

Class News

Foundation Stage

Reception and Upper Nursery children were extremely excited this week, as on Tuesday, we visited The Watering Hole Farm. The adventure began when two small coaches arrived. Henry said "there was so much to see out of the window" as we made the short trip to the farm. Farmer Steve and another Farmer Steve met us and showed us all of the animals, helping us learn all about them. We stroked, held and fed a range of animals. Hattie said, "the rabbits were cute and soft." Elsie and Olliarnah told Farmer Steve that baby chicks used an egg tooth to help them hatch out of their eggs. Annabel's favourite part was stroking Bruno and Alice, the donkeys, and Pippa said "I loved feeding the sheep and the goats." A huge thank you to the parent helpers who came with us. I think the adults enjoyed this trip just as much as the children! See all our photos by clicking Watering Hole Farm Visit

Class 1

In Class 1 we have learnt about the artist Georgia O'Keefe. We looked closely at some of her flower work and carefully drew one of the Spring flowers. Some of us used Georgia's work to inspire us, using either the style of flower or colours. It was important that we made sure we were looking at the flower looking down onto the petals and stamen and that we drew a zoomed in section. Many of us found this tricky as we are used to drawing flowers in a certain way but we persevered and they all looked brilliant after we had used oil pastels to colour them carefully.

Class 2

The children in Class 2 have been exploring Light and Shadow. They noticed that when an object blocks the path of light, it will cast a shadow behind it. Making the most of the sunny days we have had this week, the children went outside to explore how they can use their bodies to make different shapes with their shadows.


Foundation Stage

Lower Nursery: Harry

for giving things a go and building independence

Upper Nursery: Billy

Showing lots more independence this week! Keep it up!

Reception: Henry

for your amazing passion to learn.

Class 1

Darcie - Writing a super diary extract from the perspective of Brigg from our book The Flower.

George - Creating a carefully constructed and beautiful flower drawing in the style of Georgia O'Keefe.

Class 2

Priya - For always engaging in all your lessons. You have a real love for learning.

Annie - For giving a brilliant explanation in science and using the correct vocabulary

Class 3

Jacob - For having a great first two weeks at Horbury Bridge. You have settled in so well- keep up all your hard work.

Isobel - For producing an excellent Big Write this week. Your ideas are fantastic. Well done.

In case you missed it.....

Holiday Club

We are hoping to run holiday club during the first week of the Easter Holidays. Please complete the form to register your interest. Link to form

We will not be running during the May half term holidays but hope to run for most of the summer.

Diary Date

School will be closed on Friday 27th May in lieu of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Bank Holiday which falls in half term.

Community News

Thanks Horbury Bridge!

You just paid in £108.23 to Comic Relief, and we couldn't be more grateful.

Your money will go to amazing projects in the UK and around the world, tackling important social issues.

Give yourself a pat on the back.

Important Dates

Diary Dates can be found below.

Term Dates can be found on our website https://www.horburybridgeacademy.co.uk/diarydates/