Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

18th March 2022 : Newsletter 24

Parents Evenings

We have enjoyed having parents back in school for face to face parents evenings and from your many encouraging comments, you have welcomed this too. It has been lovely to have parents looking round school; being able to see your child's work and classrooms once again. If you were unable to make one of the dates or if you requested an online appointment, staff will be in touch to arrange an appointment with you.

Red Nose Day

We all had lots of fun today, (staff as well as children!) dressing wild whilst raising money for Comic Relief. Thank you for your support which makes it possible for us to do such things.

Goodbye Mrs Ross

Today we said 'goodbye' to Mrs Ross and thanked her for all the hard work and commitment she has given to our school over the years. She is always full of fun and we celebrated lots of happy memories with her. We are sad to see her leave but know that she will be fantastic in her new role and wish her all the very best in the future.

Year 5/6 Hockey Tournament

On Monday, a team of 8 children spent the afternoon at Slazenger's competing in this year's hockey tournament. They played 5 x 12 minute matches, winning 3 of these without conceding any goals! After an exciting but exhausting couple of hours, we came a very creditable 3rd place. Each member of the team played brilliantly and were fantastic representatives of the school!

We would like to extend a special thank you to the parents who were able to provide lifts to and from the event.

Rock Your Socks!

Monday 21st March is World Down Syndrome Day. We are asking everyone to join in and 'rock your socks' on Monday! As our chromosones look like pairs of socks, we are asking everyone to join in by wearing bright colourful odd socks to support this day.

In assembly, we will be using Makaton when we sing and taking pictures of our socks to share on twitter and raise more awareness.

Why not get your whole family to join in too and see how many people notice your socks so you can share the message more widely?

Have a look at the short video which explains more.

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Community News

In case you missed it.....

Holiday Club

We are hoping to run holiday club during the first week of the Easter Holidays. Please complete the form to register your interest. Link to form

We will not be running during the May half term holidays but hope to run for most of the summer.

Diary Date

School will be closed on Friday 27th May in lieu of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Bank Holiday which falls in half term.

Class News

Foundation Stage

This week our learning has been all about chicks, hens and eggs. We started the week by looking at the lifecycle of a chicken/egg and the children had some interesting ideas about what came first. Gracie made her own life cycle and explained "There's an egg then it hatches then a chick comes out then it grows big." Later in the week, Mrs Stearne gave the children an extra challenge of making their own butter with just whipping cream and salt. With lots of super shaking and perseverance, the children were amazed to watch the cream turn solid and eventually leave the jar as butter. As their reward, the children all got to taste the butter on a tasty cracker at snack time.

Class 1

What a busy week we've had in Class 1! On Monday, we enjoyed a woodland adventure as we walked to Coxley Woods. Brigg, the character in our story 'The Flower', has no colour or life in his city so we wanted to find some and show him there are beautiful places in the world. Mrs Stearne challenged us to find 10 things on a Spring scavenger hunt then we played some games. Finally we searched for wild garlic so that we could make soup. Everyone had an amazing time! On Wednesday we tried the wild garlic soup - there were mixed opinions but many of us thought it was delicious and so healthy!

Class 2

The children in Class 2 have been enjoying their 'Mood Booster' sessions over the past two weeks. This week, they explored different ways to feel calm if they are ever feeling worried or anxious. In groups, everyone followed different techniques and then chose 5 of the best to share with everyone. One way was to imagine they were a jellyfish floating on the surface of the ocean. As the jellyfish travel along the ocean currents they thought about being calm and quiet. Everyone enjoyed taking the time to stop and think about being relaxed in our busy lives.

Class 3

This week, Year 6 took part in their Bikeability training! The children spent a day and a half learning how to control and ride their bikes safely, first on the playground and then going out on local roads. Every child achieved their level one qualification and some even achieved their level two!

In History, Class 3 have continued to find out about the Ancient Greeks and how the world today would be so different without them! We used photographs of Grecian pottery, as primary sources, to figure out what events took place at the very first Olympics. The children also carried out their own research, using secondary sources, to find out what else the Ancient Greeks invented that is still being used today!


Foundation Stage

Lower Nursery: Miller

For fantastic singing of 'Five Little Ducks'

Upper Nursery: Rory

For trying hard to use a louder voice at carpet time- well done!

Reception: Toby

For being a fantastic mathematician- always giving great explanations for his answers.

Class 1

Flynn: Always showing kindness and being a good friend.

Max: Showing more confidence when joining in with discussions and learning tasks

Class 2

Jenson: Super concentration and perseverance in art

Charley: For persevering with swimming.

Class 3

Year 5/6 Hockey Team

What a great performance!

Important Dates

Diary Dates can be found below.

Term Dates can be found on our website https://www.horburybridgeacademy.co.uk/diarydates/