Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

3rd March 2022 : Newsletter 22

World Book Week

Well done to the whole school for a fantastic celebration of books and reading this week.

Today's fun and activities made us really feel that life in school is getting back to how it used to be! It has been brilliant and staff and children have thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Classes were merged for the day and children visited each room in turn to experience a different book and related activities. The children were exemplary in the way they all worked together and showed such support and care for each other.

Book Swap

Thank you for sending in your outgrown books. We hope everyone who took part in the book swap enjoys their new book.

£1 book tokens

Remember to use your World Book Day token if you haven't already done so. This can be used to get £1 off any children's book or can be exchanged for one of the specially written £1 World Book Day books.

Making Gruffalo Crumble in Lower Nursery

The Day the Crayons Quit

Everyone worked together to find different colours to make White Crayon more colourful and they thought of all the things that are each different colour

See all the photos here: The Day the Crayons Quit

Where the Wild Things are

Here there was crown making for the boy in the story, Wild Things mask making, science adaptation creating a new Wild Thing and to finish with -a Wild Thing Rumpus!

Photos at: Wild Things

Scarecrow's Wedding

For Scarecrow's Wedding, the children made flower decorations, a wedding dress, bracelets and even electric lights.

See all the photos here: Scarecrow's Wedding

Tin Forest

In the Tin Forest, the children explored magnetic objects, made metallic pictures, decorated the tree and did some planting.

See photos here: Tin Forest

Parents evenings

Thank you for responding to our survey. We are delighted to be holding face to face parents evenings again this half term on Tuesday 15th and Thursday 17th March. An email has been sent with an online booking form.

We will be in touch with those parents who said they would prefer an online appointment, to arrange these at alternative times.

As Miss Painter approaches maternity leave, she and Mrs Thompson are meeting together with Reception and Nursery parents, over the next 2 weeks.

Curriculum Newsletters

Class curriculum newsletters are now on the website and outline what your child is learning and their focus book for this half term: Curriculum newsletters link

Menu: Click the photo to see next week's menu

Community News

Macmillan Cancer Support charity dinner

Mrs Jolly will be holding one final charity dinner in aid of Macmillan on Saturday 2nd April. The evening, held in our school hall, is a three course dinner served by a team of our Year 6 children. Following the meal there is a raffle and fun auction. Past events have been very well received - "super waiters, great atmosphere and wonderful food".

If you would like to attend, places are available for £22 per head.

Mrs Jolly will also be running a 50/50 draw with half the money taken being one lucky person's winnings. This is £5 per number.

If you would like to book for the meal, or have a draw number or are able to donate a raffle/auction item please contact her at sarahjolly06@aol.com

In case you missed it

Scholastic Book Club

The online order deadline is Friday 11th March. https://schools.scholastic.co.uk/horbury-bridge/digital-book-club

If you go through the easy giving website first, we get even more money from your purchase!

Afterschool Club

We now close at 5.00pm on Monday and Friday due to numbers.

Instrumental lessons

We have spaces children in Key Stage 2 to learn a woodwind instrument (clarinet, flute, saxophone). Instruments can be loaned from the music service and a taster session arranged: See link for more details

Dates for your diary

Comic Relief (Red Nose) Day: Friday 18th March

Easter themed 'Stay and Play' (Foundation Stage): Tuesday 29th March

Easter Journey (Key Stage 1 and 2): Wednesday 30th March (am)

Important Dates

Diary Dates can be found below.

Term Dates can be found on our website https://www.horburybridgeacademy.co.uk/diarydates/