Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

26th March: Newsletter 21

Happy Easter!

We have made it safely to the end of yet another unusual term! We are so pleased with how the children have settled back into routines and have coped so well with the busy demands of Book Week, Science Week, Fairtrade and Easter-all in addition to the usual full curriculum!

Although we are still restricted in how we can operate, we believe it is important to keep as much fun and normality as we can in school:

We have had Easter buns at lunchtimes and the Easter Bunny has kindly left everyone a small treat. Although we couldn't have our usual Easter Service, and singing together inside is restricted, every class has contributed to retelling the Easter story through drama and song. We hope you enjoy the recording of this and that the Christian Easter message of hope, encourages you and your family at this time. Click this link Easter to see our performances.

We wish you all a Happy Easter and look forward to seeing you on Monday 12th April.

#Real Love

Today, the children are all bringing home a small red heart as part of the #Real Love Christian project which encourages us to care about the happiness of others without wanting anything in return.

In assembly we thought about who the children could give their heart to and how important it is to let your family and friends know that they are loved and appreciated and even to let someone who may be lonely, know they are being thought about.

Thank you to Horbury Churches Together for donating the hearts.

Young Leaders

This week, Flossie and Joy took to the internet to teach Class 2 remotely about the use of Ghanaian Adinkra symbols. They are used on fabric in the area of Ghana where cocoa is grown and on on Fairtrade chocolate wrappers. Each shape has a special meaning so the girls explained how symbols carry meaning and asked everyone in Class 2 to create a symbol that reflected something special about themselves. The children drew these on the front cover of a recycled notebook and added other Adinkra decoration.

The group has caused a bit of excitement at lunchtime with children keen to find the Fairtrade stickers they have hidden under dinner plates to win a chunk of chocolate.

The Young Leaders have now started to create their own Fairtrade board games to share with Class 1 in the summer term.

Young Leaders would also like to remind everyone to take part in their "Ethical Easter Bake Off" competition using at least one ethically certified ingredient eg Fairtrade, Cocoa Life, Utz, Rainforest Alliance and Cocoa Plan. Send us a photo of your child's baking, next to the packaging of the ingredient used, via Dojo, Twitter or email, before Monday 12th April for a chance to win.

Uniform Recycling Sale

We have lots of pre-owned uniform in very good condition which is ready for sale, after school, from Monday 12th April at a cost of ÂŁ1.00 per item. We will not be accepting cash but will be able to accept direct bank transfer or items can be added onto your monthly invoice.

As well as helping the environment by recycling, this could be an ideal way for you to get through the summer term if your child has grown recently, or even to get ready for September!

Summer Holiday Club

As things gradually return to 'normal', we are planning to offer a Summer Holiday Club.

For more details please speak to the office or check the email sent earlier this week.

(Virtual) Parents Meetings

If you have not already made an appointment to speak with your child's class teacher, please get in touch with the office. Details can be found on the email sent earlier this week.

Confirmations will be sent out the first week back after half term, via email.

Class 1, 2 and 3 book here: https://forms.gle/hQ1fE4dVb3gD2NNb9

Nursery and Reception book here:


Lower Nursery (January starters) Mrs Lovell will contact you to arrange an appointment

Class News

Foundation Stage

We were extremely lucky to receive a visit from the Easter Bunny this week. Reception wrote some fantastic letters, asking him to visit and if possible, bring us a little treat each. The children were very excited when he came on Thursday, joining our carpet time about looking after our teeth. He told the children that he loves to eat lots of chocolate everyday but some of his teeth were falling out. Vinnie told him "You can eat sweets and chocolate as treats but you have to eat healthy food too like vegetables." Emilia added "When you brush your teeth, you only need toothpaste that is the size of a pea and do it for 2 minutes." After the children had taught the Easter Bunny how to look after his teeth, he took them outside for an egg hunt. The children were fantastic at finding an Egg with the first letter of their name and filled his basket. He then promised that he would exchange the eggs for a little treat for the children. What a lovely end to the half term! Click here to see all our photos here

Class 1

What a busy Easter week! We really have had an eggcellent time! We wrote Easter messages for our family and made some chocolatey Easter nests.

Year 2 had a wonderful busy time in Forest School on Thursday and then this morning we had lots of fun egg rolling! Just look at Kevin’s massive egg! Can you guess what type of egg it is?

Hope you all have a lovely peaceful Easter!

Class 2


In music with Mr Ellis, the children have been working on a 'Rainforest Samba'. All the children have learnt new rhythms and have also been composing some of their own, using musical notations. You can watch their performance at this link:

Rainforest Samba


This week, as a part of our 'Horbury Bridge Conservation Society', the children have published their letters to the big company who plan to deforest a vast area of the Amazon! They have all created a page on a class website. Some have even made a poster to spread the word about sustainability and protecting the rainforest and our planet. You can see the website here: Website

As part of learning about how plants grow and what a plant needs to grow, the children have all grown a sunflower to take home and look after. They have also designed and planted their own terrarium. All the children hope they can look after them for a long time and watch them grow.

Amazon Adventure

Lastly, the whole class went on an Amazon adventure and trekked through the deep, dense rainforest floor. The children worked together in teams to think about what they would encounter on the way and created an obstacle course adventure trail to follow. It was brilliant to see all the children working together so collaboratively to solve problems and succeed in their challenges.

Class 3

This week in Class 3, the children have become historians and looked at historical sources to try and decide who was responsible for the loss of life on the Titanic. Although the head of the White Star Line followed all the correct legal procedures, the majority of the class decided that if he had concentrated more on safety than what the ship looked like, there would have been many more survivors. Over this half term, the children have designed shoe box rooms based on those on the Titanic. This week the interior designers have turned their plans into reality and recreated some of the finest rooms on board!


Foundation Stage

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

Annabel: Being a star in the Easter performance and trying hard to learn all the words

William Bu: A fantastic explanation and demonstration about how to keep your teeth healthy

Mason O: Trying hard in Maths and being creative in Forest School

Sam: Showing initiative, skill and resilience during Forest school

Ben: Becoming more independent when working in lessons

Jude: A super week, focused in lessons and trying his best

Martha: For fantastic independence in class. You have tried so hard with all your learning

Molly: For working so hard over the past few weeks You always have a great attitude to learning

All Class 2: For working as a team just like a real orchestra. What fantastic musicians you all are!

Betty: For working hard and trying her beat in all that she does

William: For taking his time and creating a special Easter card.

Important Dates

Diary Dates

Term Dates 2020.docx