Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

Friday 10th March 2023

Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Snow day!

Many thanks for your support today - it's much appreciated. It looks like the snow will gradually disappear over the weekend, so we'll see you all next week as usual.


As the team sang after winning..."We are the Champions!" Not quite of the world (that will come in time!) but definitely the winners of the Horbury Pyramid Hockey Competition! On Tuesday, two teams made the short trip to Slazenger HC to take part in the Quick Sticks competition organised by ACES Sports. It was a cold and windy day, but this did nothing to dampen the spirits of the two teams, aptly named the 'Panthers' and 'Rhinos'. After a compelling afternoon of close games and agonising misses, the Rhinos came out triumphant, winning 4 and drawing one of their matches. As always, both teams represented the academy superbly and it was great to be able to take two teams, particularly as one of the smaller schools attending. Great job all around!

Class 3 Tennis

On a similar sporting theme, I'm delighted to announce that Class 3 will be having tennis lessons as part of their curriculum PE after Easter. These lessons will take place at Slazenger Sports Club and will be delivered by LTA coach, Alice Robson. Alice is the resident tennis coach at Slazenger Tennis Club and Ackworth School and, in 2020, was the winner of the LTA National Development Coach of the year.

Wellbeing Week

We have also arranged a day at Slazenger as part of our Wellbeing Week in June. The whole school will be taking over Slaz and will be participating in Football, Archery, Hockey, Tennis and a lovely picnic lunch! More details to follow.

As we did last year, we are seeking help with activities for wellbeing week. If you, or if you know someone who would be willing to spend half a day (or a full day!) at HBA delivering to pupils, please let us know. We are looking for workshops for both physical and mental wellbeing.

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe in the snow.

Mr Tuddenham

Awards and Achievements

We will be holding an additional celebration assembly on Monday to celebrate this week's stars so they don't miss out!

Upcoming Events and Dates

22nd & 23rd March Parents Evenings - Information sent out on Parent Hub regarding booking appointments

The full calendar can be found at the bottom of this newsletter.


Football Association – Safeguarding Awareness for Parents and Carers 

Every week millions of children play football, many of them in organised clubs and organisations and many from Horbury Bridge Academy. As part of its safeguarding response, the Football Association has created a safeguarding course for parents. The course is designed to help parents make informed choices about the football settings where they enrol their children. The course helps parents recognise best practice and see where there may be concerns, so that they can report them quickly and effectively. Click here to access the course.

Safeguarding Concerns

If you have any concerns, you should report them to one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads. 

They can be contacted on 01924 302800 or in person at the academy.

The Designated Safeguarding Leads at Horbury Bridge Academy are:

Mr R Tuddenham

Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs R Denton

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Community News

St Johns and St Peters Church Events

There are lots of events happening which everyone is welcome to join with.

Baptism Brunch Saturday 4th March at 10am at St Peter's for anyone interested in having their child baptised

Messy Church continues each Tuesday straight afterschool at St John's Horbury Bridge. 

Toddler group every Tuesday during term time at St Johns church from 9am. 


Wakefield Council Climate Action group have produced  the Eat Better Booklet.  It combines eating on a budget with healthy eating and sustainability.


Eat Better For Your Pocket And The Planet - cookbook.pdf

Term Dates can be found on our website 

Horbury Bridge Academy Diary