Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

17th September: Newsletter 2

Parents Evenings

We will hold parents meetings on Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th October. These will be online and are an important opportunity for you and the class teacher to discuss how your child is settling into their new year group. Information on how to book an appointment will be sent out next week, but if you are unable to make these dates, please let us know so that teachers can make alternative arrangements for you. As things steadily return to normality, we are planning to be able to return to face to face meetings later in the year.

Community Give Box

A massive thank you to 'The Community Give Box' who kindly donated some exciting Egyptian resources to Class 3 for their work this half term.

"The Community Give Box is a charity shop with a difference. We sell a range of new products, in addition to good quality preloved items but our main focus is as a donation point for clothing and household items. We have a large area at the back of the shop where the donated goods are sorted and then given to community groups across the Wakefield District to distribute to individual and families in need. "

The shop is in Trinity Walk, Wakefield and is open Wednesday - Saturday 10am - 4pm. They accept donations of most items including clean bedding and clothes, shoes, toys, bric a brac, with the exception of electrical items and furniture. If you would like to donate or have any further questions you can contact Julia Smith (Grandparent at Horbury Bridge) on julia.smith@wakefieldcf.org.uk.

Fore more information about the project you can also visit their website at https://wakefieldcf.org.uk/the-community-give-box/

Tennis Sessions

We are glad to be having visitors back in school this year with Class 2 and 3 joined by tennis coach, Sara, from Sandal Tennis Club this week.

The children learned how to use their dominant arm to correctly hold and use a racket. They developed their ability to control the ball and the coach was incredibly pleased with their progress. We look forward to working with Sara for the rest of this half term.

Young Voices

We are pleased to announce that we will be taking part in Young Voices 2021. Young Voices is the largest school choir event in the world and gives children the opportunity to sing with incredible artists and is an amazing experience for all involved. This will be open to children in Year 4, 5 and 6 and rehearsals will take place after school each Wednesday. If your child is interested please read the information emailed out today and complete the online form here Young Voices Form


Thank you to all of you who have offered your skills, ideas and time to support our continued fundraising.

With a very kind parental donation, we have now reached £1000 of our target. Thank you!

Morrisons Vouchers

We have registered to take part in the Morrisons 'It's Good to Grow' scheme which runs until 24th October.

If you or family, friends or neighbours shop at Morrisons, please help us collect online tokens for gardening equipment. You will need to be a MyMorrisons customer to take part, download the app and select our school to donate your Grow Tokens.

In case you missed it

Weekly Information

Nasal Flu Vaccinations

Your child will have brought home a letter and consent form regarding the annual flu vaccinations. Please ensure these are returned to school no later than Thursday 23rd September. The School Nurse will be in school Friday 15th October to administer the vaccinations.

Music Lessons

Instrumental lessons in school will start again next week. Those who have submitted the online form will receive a taster session over the next couple of weeks and spaces will be confirmed before half term. If your child (KS2 only) is interested in learning to play, you can register your child for a taster session. please complete the online form here Taster session no later than Friday 24th September.

Dinner Menu Next Week

Class News

Foundation Stage

This week we have been learning all about 'super sitting' at carpet time. Our Reception children who were with us in Nursery did a fantastic job of explaining to the other children what they must do. Elsie said "You must cross your legs and put your hands on your knees." Pippa added "We have good looking eyes that look at who is talking, listening ears and quiet lips so everyone can hear." The children have been so smart this week, they have all made it onto the 'supersta'r'. Well done everyone!

Class 1

Class 1 have had a very busy week! We have all enjoyed getting back into Forest Schools, Music and PE.

In RE we were thinking about our Christian value: Respect for everything in God's World. We discussed what respect is and what it looks like. We enjoyed giving each other compliments in our Compliment Circle. We know that using kind words and giving compliments can make people feel valued and important which in turn shows we respect them. Try giving lots of compliments this weekend.

In Maths we have been using the provision to explore counting, place value and doubles. The children were challenged to find different ways to show doubles and some children extended their learning even further.

Class 2

This week, the children in Class 2 were transported to the world of HBA Detective Agency. It was their job as detectives to search for a boy who has been reported missing. They investigated the situation, searched for clues and wrote an accurate, detailed description of the missing child. They are still working on finding the boy.

The children also enjoyed their first session of tennis with Sara. They all had a go at all the activities and challenges and were fantastic at following some tricky instructions in order to play their games.

Class 3

This week in Class 3, the children have been thinking about their identities and how it is important to respect themselves as well as those around them. This links our RHSE work on identity, to our Christian Value of Respect.

Each member of the class chose which part of themselves was their favourite and why. They then used their photography skills to photograph each other. They changed the colour and cropped their photos so they could really show off their best assets!


Foundation Stage

Arlo: Returning to school with a very mature attitude. All of the staff in Reception are very proud of you!

Class 1

All Year 1: Settling into Class 1 life confidently and happily with lots of smiles and ready to learn

Frankie: Settling into Class 1 with ease, making new friends and following new routines

Class 2

Dexter: For a brilliant start to Year 4. Your independence has improved so much

Louis: For having a fantastic attitude to learning since starting the school year. You are a great role model to look up.

Class 3

Elliott: Coming back to school with a brilliant attitude to your learning. You are going to make an amazing Year 6

Jack: Taking feedback onboard during swimming lessons and improving his technique.

Important Dates

Diary Dates can be found below

Term Dates can be found on our website https://www.horburybridgeacademy.co.uk/diarydates/