Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

February 4th 2022 : Newsletter 19


Thank you to everyone for your co-operation and support in adjusting our hometime routines this week. It has felt strange not to be able to have parents in the school grounds for the last couple of years and we look forward to keep moving back to more normal arrangements. Look out for an email with details of further changes next week.

Menu: Click the photo to see next week's menu

Wakefield Youth Choir

On Monday we welcomed Mrs Whitlam from Wakefield Music Service to lead our singing assembly and teach us some fun new songs. Mrs Whitlam also runs Wakefield Youth Choir who are looking for new members aged 9- 18.

Rehearsals are at Manygates in Sandal on Wednesday evenings at 4.15pm. Class 3 children were given details of this or for more details email music@wakefield.gov.uk

Community News

Junior Bake Off

Love productions are looking for young budding bakers between 9-12 years old. Filming would take place from July 2022, but applications close on Sunday 13th March 2022. Interested bakers can apply online at - www.applyforjuniorbakeoff.co.uk

White Rose Forest Project

Further to the email we sent about the White Rose Forest project which is currently planting at a site at the bottom of Lupset golf course, below is the link for more information on the project which is taking place on Sunday 13th February 10.30 am to 12.30am https://whiteroseforest.org/about/actionplan/

Church News

In case you missed it


We will be closed for 2 INSET (staff training) days on Monday 25th and Tuesday 26 July. This means that school will close to children on Friday 22nd July.

Class News

Lower Nursery

This week Lower Nursery have been learning about Chinese New Year. We have been retelling the story of all the animals crossing the river, making Chinese lanterns and trying some Chinese food. When trying the Chinese food we developed our language skills by using our eyes to talk about what we could see, our fingers to say what things felt like, our noses to describe what we could smell and then describing the taste of the food in our mouths. The children said the food was bumpy, crunchy, yucky and yummy. Even though the children didn't like all the food, the grown-ups were proud of them all for trying it.

Upper Nursery & Reception

What a windy week it's been! The children have loved spending time outside in the Winter weather and at the start of the week noticed some of our equipment had moved because of the wind. Later in the week with the winds still high, the children made their own experiment, testing a range of objects and whether the wind could pick them up and make them fly. They thought very carefully about the shapes, sizes and materials of the different objects and gave some good explanations of what happened and why. George said "My cardboard tube stayed on the floor because it was too heavy for the wind to pick up." Toby added "My scarf started to fly because it's light and easy to pick up."

Class 1

This week Class 1 have made their snake-repellent hats using their designs from last week. They selected the materials they needed and thought carefully about how to construct their hat. They measured, fixed, fastened, adapted and improved their design as they worked. It was lovely to see them helping each other too. They had to make sure the hat fit them and had some ways that would repel snakes for Uncle Fred as he works at the zoo. We are videoing the children explaining how their hat works, so look out for those next week.

Yesterday, we started thinking about other inventions and discussed how most things are invented to solve a problem or make something easier. We brainstormed some ideas that we will transfer to designs, labelling what materials we would need to make it.

Class 2

This week Class 2 have been particle physicists and have explored how the particles in a solid, a liquid and a gas are arranged. The children used their bodies to represent each particle and found out that a solid has a very set structure and particles will only move when when they are forced by something pushing against them.

They then investigated how a liquid turns into a gas by a process called 'evaporation' and how a gas turns back into a liquid by a process called 'condensation'.

They placed a wet handprint on a paper towel and began to explain what was happening as the water seemed to disappear.

Class 3

The children have been challenged to plan a scientific enquiry about how the brightness of bulbs varies in different electrical circuits. First the electricians in Class 3 devised their own scientific question to answer. Some included:

"How is the brightness of a bulb affected by the number of cells in a circuit?"

"How does the distance between a cell and a bulb affect its brightness?"

Next, they designed their circuit and decided cow they were going to collect their data. Finally. they carried out their fair-test enquiries using data loggers to measure bulb brightness.

Forest School

All classes have been busy building a new den area. We have used power tools, secured posts, created a roof and camouflaged the walls. On our return to class, Henry was excited to tell Mrs Lovell "We have a new forest school!"

The children have used it for their café and house, a hideout, a fort (with secret password entry) and of course for hide and seek (especially at tidy up time!)

Thank you to everyone who donated their old Christmas trees, they have certainly come in handy this week.

See more of this week's Forest School Photos : Foundation in Forest School


Foundation Stage

Lower Nursery

Miller: A fantastic Forest School session

Upper Nursery

Billy: For learning how to write the first letter of your name


Allanah: For always having a positive attitude and showing great perseverance in everything that you do!

Class 1

All of Class 1

For showing perseverance and determination whilst making their snake-repellent hats.

Class 2

Annie: Always showing your Christian Value of perseverance in all that you do - especially in maths this week. Well done!

Ben: Always reading with such great expression. You make your characters come to life.

Class 3

Maggie : Thinking carefully about her characters during story writing.

Darcie: For using your growth mindset in maths and asking for help when you need it.

Headteacher's Award: Class 3 for being such excellent representatives of our school

It makes me so proud when people outside of school let us know how impressed they are with our children's behaviour and manners. This week the driver of the bus who takes Class 3 swimming each week, asked if he could speak to them to let them know they really are the best school group he has had. As he is very used to school groups, this is such a compliment to the children and for the school.

Well done to each one of them -they really are a fabulous Class!

Important Dates

Diary Dates can be found below.

Term Dates can be found on our website https://www.horburybridgeacademy.co.uk/diarydates/