Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

26th February: Newsletter 17

Save the Date!

We are pleased that we be fully open to all children again, as from Monday 8th March. The current guidance is that we will be working in much the same way as we did in Autumn term by reducing the number of contacts children have and maintaining good hygiene. This includes through staggered starts and ends to the day, staggered break times and lots of handwashing!

I will confirm the start and finish times for each class next week.

Curriculum Newsletters

These are now available and can also be accessed on our website at the curriculum tab Curriculum newsletters


In response to parking difficulties around school, our local road safety advisor, Chris be visiting school. Due to schools opening fully on the 8th, he will now be visiting on Thursday 11th and Thursday 18th March to monitor the parking around school and look at solutions to help ease the difficulties. Please feel free to have a chat with him whilst continuing to maintain social distancing.

World Book Day

Although next week is the official 'World Book Day', we have decided to postpone our celebration of reading and love of books until all our children are back the following week. We are not asking children to dress up to come to school but have some fun challenges planned in school as well as a themed lunch based on some of our favourite books.

As in previous years, all children will be given a £1 national book token. These can be exchanged for one of the special World Book Day books or can be used to get £1 off any children's books in shops who take part in this scheme. Vouchers have been sent out today with children and will also be sent out to those children returning on Monday 8th March. If you would like your voucher before then, please let the office know via email and we can send you an online token.

Friendly competition!

Whilst we have to keep classes separate from mixing with each other, it is important that all our children still feel part of the same school family and are able to see and interact with each other. This week, Foundation Stage have been working on their gross motor skills in PE by practising some dance moves and then challenged Class 3 to a lunchtime dance -off, judged by Coach Rich.

Everyone, including the staff, enjoyed themselves and Foundation were judged the winning class!


You will now find a 'Useful Contacts' link at the top of each weekly newsletter. This additional page will include any information you may find useful at the moment.

Class News

Foundation Stage

Foundation Stage have made the most of the better weather this week, spending lots of their learning time outdoors. Our new nursery children had their first experience in Forest School and they can't wait to return.

The children spotted Sycamore Twirly hiding in the treehouse and he said he was hiding from a mystery visitor who had appeared out of a new hole. We discussed who our visitor could be, looked for clues and even made traps to try and catch it.

Class 1

This week in Class 1, we have been thinking about feelings. We have listened to the story The Colour Monster and thought about things that make us happy, sad, angry, calm, loved and fearful. We had fun creating our own colour monsters and talked about ways we can make ourselves and others feel better.

Class 2

This week Class 2 have become members of the Horbury Bridge Environment Conservation Society. The received a letter from Professor Justine Thyme asking for their assistance to save the rainforest. Professor Thyme enclosed a pod from the Great Kapok Tree and all the children were intrigued to find out about it. She asked us to help spread the word about how human activity is causing deforestation and affecting lots of native plants and animals. The children have all thought about the different jobs they could do to help save our rainforest and tell the world that is is time to change. In order to become experts, the children have researched the different layers in a rainforest and what animals live there.

Class 3

This week, Class 3 have begun learning all about the Titanic. As employees of The Titanic, Belfast, they have been commissioned by The British Museum to create an online exhibition all about The Titanic. To do this, they researched and wrote, non-chronological reports and used their IT skills to create individual websites!

Click here or on the picture to see their work: Titanic Exhibition


Foundation Stage

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

Jacob: Watching your confidence grow over the past few weeks in all areas of your learning

Pippa: Showing great participation during a group dance, looking and listening carefully. Great coordination and timing to the music

Kevin: Having a really super week, especially in Read Write Inc and being such a kind and thoughtful boy

Nathanael: Trying really hard both and home and school, especially in Maths.

Harry: Harry has tried hard making the right choices and playing constructively with his peers.

Tom: Engaging with enthusiasm in Maths. Always ready to learn

Dexter: For full immersing yourself in our new topic. You have really' stepped into the shoes' of a conservationist

Mason: For trying really hard in all lessons this week. Keep it up!

Henry: Being a fantastic role model

Maggie: Achieving her writing target

Myles: Taking responsibility for, and ownership of, his own learning and being resilient

Headteacher's Award

Jorgie: Making excellent progress in your individual targets whilst learning at home

Eve: Showing great resilience, being a good friend and consistently being a star pupil

Eliza: Giving her own time to raise money for charity -an excellent example of putting her values into action

Gracie: An excellent example of using all her values by organising a charity bake sale during her own holiday time

Important Dates

Diary Dates

Term Dates 2020.docx