Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

17th December 2021 : Newsletter 14

Thank you to all our families for the support you continue to give us in all we do in school: the special events and fundraising we organise, as well as in our day to day running. We appreciate it so much.

My thanks also go to the children and staff who have all worked very hard in difficult circumstances yet again this year. As you can see from all our photos and videos, it has been a very busy few weeks and everyone is now ready for a well deserved rest over the holiday!

We would like to wish you all a very peaceful and happy Christmas. We hope that you are able to enjoy time with your families and look forward to seeing you again in the New Year.

Christmas Performances

Recordings of all our Christmas performances are on our website at the link: Music and Performances


Class 2 and 3 Performances

The children in Key Stage 2 thoroughly enjoyed their musical workshops with Wakefield Music Service, experiencing new instruments and practising skills of working together as they each played different melodies and rhythms.

Class 2 took part in a Djembe workshop on Wednesday where they performed many different pieces including one that told grannies far and wide to 'Lay off the sprouts' this festive season!

Class 3 took part in a steel pan workshop on Thursday where they performed a mesmerising performance of Silent Night. All the children worked hard throughout both days and learned songs to perform at the end of the day. Well done to all the children in Key Stage 2.

Recordings of all our Christmas performances are on our website at the link: Music and Performances

Class 2 Djingle Djembe.mp4

Christmas Raffle

Thank you for all your tremendous efforts in selling our Christmas raffle tickets at such short notice! We have made £900 towards our ongoing saving for developing the outdoor play area.

Winning numbers are: LINK TO WINNERS

Christmas Fun

The party started today with a spontaneous disco after we had held our final assembly of term! This truly represents our school spirit and ethos as we came together as a school family to celebrate all the good things we have shared together this term.

Well done and a huge thank you to the catering team for our Christmas dinner and party food lunch this week. Everyone agreed they were really delicious and the dining room had a wonderfully festive atmosphere with music and crackers. The team work so hard all year round to provide good quality food and meet everyone's preferences and needs-thank you!

Santa's Visit

We were lucky enough to have a special visitor who brought each of the children an early Christmas present. It was a magical experience to meet him in his special grotto which appeared in the playground overnight!

Everyone was excited to have their photo taken with Santa-even the staff and Father Christopher!

You can see our photos at these links:

Foundation Stage Class 1 Class 2 Class 3

Class 3's Christmas Shop

Class 3 would like to thank everyone who came along and bought stocking fillers at their Christmas Shop. Our six teams of entrepreneurs carefully considered their budgets, sourced their resources and crafted some brilliant products that were sold after school on Tuesday. Their sales pitches and customer service was second to none and there was nothing left to buy when the shop closed!

As a class, year 5 and 6 made £205 profit which will be used to buy new books for KS2. The children are already thinking about which ones to buy!


Our Christingle collection last week raised £222.44 for the National Children's Society.

You can watch the recording of the service here


Father Christopher visited Foundation Stage to help them with their own special Christingle Service this week. He explained the special things that the different parts of the Christingle represent.


In case you missed it....

Foundation Stage: In January, please help your Nursery child in their next step of independence by saying 'goodbye' to them on the playground so they can go into school with staff.

Managing difficult feelings: If you or a young person you know, are experiencing difficult emotions, the Council booklet Managing Difficult Feelings includes self-care tips, coping strategies and links to support services Managing Difficult Feelings. It can also be found on the wakefield.gov website.

Class News


This week has been filled with lots of Christmas activities and crafts. At the start of the week, the children decorated an old box and transformed it into a post box for our Christmas cards. Throughout the week they designed their own cards to give to their friends. They loved taking it in turns to be the postman and post-lady, giving out the cards the rest of the children. Later in the week our children also made their own special keepsake decoration to take home. The activity required them to develop their fine motor skills such as rolling cotton balls and picking sequins up and of course, lots of patience. All of our children can't wait to bring them home and hang them in their home.

Foundation Stage has been such a magical place to be this week and the adults have really enjoyed being surrounded by all of the happy and excited faces. We have loved getting into the Christmas sprit with your children and we wish you all a very happy and healthy holiday to make lots of special memories.

Class 1

What a busy, sparkly and festive week we have had in Class 1! In RE we have been thinking about why Christmas is so important to Christians. We looked closely at a church image and discussed what each object means and why it is important. Evie suggested that 'Christmas is important to Christians because Jesus, the Son of God was born' and William contributed 'God gave the gift of Jesus to the world and that's why we give presents to each other.' Carson pointed out the advent candles which help Christians count down to Christmas. What amazing and thoughtful responses.

Following on from our RE learning, we found out about how other countries celebrate Christmas. We discovered that there are lots of similarities between how we celebrate in the UK and how people in Tanzania celebrate.

The children have created some festive decorations, cards and calendars. We love our Forest School snowmen and northern lights Christmas cards! The 'icing on the Christmas cake' was a visitor from a very special person. Merry Christmas from Class 1!

Class 2

This week the children in Class 2 have finished creating their own drones for their Farmvention project. They were tasked to design and create a drone that could help British farmers do their job more efficiently. They all created fabulous models and have lots to show for all their hard work.

We also welcomed Mr Beardsmore and his team from Gripple Automation into class. They brought with them a special robot arm that can perform tasks much more efficiently than humans. We all had fun learning about how robots are designed and made and what they can be used for. To top it all off, with the help of some computer code, the robot arm then began to hand out a packet of sweets to all the children. It was a great morning and we would like to thank the team from Gripple for taking the time to come and speak to us.

See all the children with their sweets at the link: Robot

Class 3

It has been a very busy week in Class 3! Firstly, our young business people worked against the clock to produce some brilliant Christmas merchandise ready to sell on Tuesday afternoon. Before pricing their items, they used Microsoft Excel to work out appropriate costings for their products and calculate predicted profits. After their incredibly successful shops closed, they were tasked with counting their money and calculating their profits- they could hardly wait to find out what they had made on Wednesday morning!

Not only that, the children have been using their STEM skills to create their Christmas cards. They had to use the information technology knowledge to design the front of their card, their science learning all about levers to assemble moving parts and their engineering skills to construct their final design. There was lots of problem solving too!


Foundation Stage


Charlie- for gaining so much confidence to speak to others. We are extremely proud of you!


Olliarnah- For being polite and for always having lots of kind words for others. Well done!

Class 1

Max - Gaining confidence in participating verbally during lessons.

Jackson - Becoming more independent and mature in class.

Class 2

Rory - For always being a super HBA role model and being the best that you can be

Charley - for being kind and helpful to everyone that you meet in school

Class 3

All of class 3 - being independent and mature while completing out whole class Grow £5 challenge

Important Dates

Diary Dates can be found below.

Term Dates can be found on our website https://www.horburybridgeacademy.co.uk/diarydates/