Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

13th November: Newsletter 9


Well done to the children in Class 3 who organised and led this year's Remembrance events in school. They raised £320 through their Poppy Shop and led our service at the war memorial in Reid Park on Wednesday. We were pleased that so many families joined us from home as each class gave their own contribution from school. It has been lovely to hear how you enjoyed being able to join in and we are now planning similar live links for future events.

A special mention goes to Harry in Class 1, who has raised over £400 by selling poppies in the local community. Amazing work!

The classroom windows decorated with poppies, all look beautiful and as people pass by school, we hope these are also a reminder of our hopes for peace and the future.

If you missed it, here is the 10 minute, edited version of our service. We are very proud of all our children.

Remembrance Service 2020.mov

Young Leaders: Pass the Recipe Cookathon

The Young Leaders this week trialled a healthy recipe that included wholemeal pasta and loads of vegetables. They would love you all to get cooking with your children's help and give this recipe a try and also, to pass the recipe on to your friends and family to encourage them to eat more healthily.

They would love to see photos of your meal and your family cooking and to see how widely their recipe goes - perhaps their work will go worldwide! Email or tweet your photos #PassTheRecipe #YoungLeadersCookathon

Recipe: Wholemeal Pasta with Vegetable Ragu

Breakfast and After School Club

Key Stage 2 Breakfast Club is is now full on Wednesdays. Places are now available for Monday and Tuesday next week. As spaces are very limited in both Breakfast and After School Club, please let us know in advance if you do not require your usual space so it is available if someone else needs.


As the children have settled back into school, they have started to remember the learning which they had forgotten over the original Lockdown. We are pleased with how much so many of them have remembered, which is a good reflection of their attitudes to learning and their previous teaching and learning experiences in school.

We can also start to see which aspects children may not be as secure with. We are using lots of individual and small group work throughout school, to support gaps in learning and children's needs. In Class 1, we are also giving Year 1 children more of the provision experiences that they missed out on in Reception. This will really help their wider social and emotional development which is so crucial as a foundation for learning.


The Real Junk Food Project (TRJFP)

The Real Junk Food project is a not for profit organisation, set up to reduce waste food from supermarkets and shops by collecting their surplus and near sell by date food to offer in the local community at low prices. See more about their background on TRJFP YouTube page , their Facebook page @TRJFProject or @TRJFProject on Twitter.

For the whole month of December (1st – 23rd), The Real Junk Food Project is bringing Christmas to families in West Yorkshire by offering free food hampers and presents.

Register here: Click this link to register to receive 1 x FREE food hamper and presents for each child.

If you would like to donate, TRJFP are trying to raise £5000 to cover their costs for the month: click the link Kindness Christmas donation for more details.

Parent Governors

Congratulations to our two new parent governors .

We would like to welcome Mr Fraser and Mrs Gent who will be joining our Governing Body.

Other News

Applying for a Reception Place

If your child turns 4 before 31st August 2021 and is a Wakefield resident, you must now apply for a full-time school place. Children will not automatically be given a place in the school where they are at Nursery.

Apply online at https://www.wakefield.gov.uk/schools-and-children/schools/admissions/reception by 15th Janaury 2021. Offers will be available online from 16th April 2021.

Flu Vaccinations

School Nursing will be administering the flu vaccinations on Tuesday 17th November. If you would like your child to have the vaccination but have not returned your form, please do so by Monday 16th November. Children will not be given the vaccination without a completed parent consent form.

School Photos

Photos have now been collected from school but online ordering will remain open until Monday 16th November. To order online please visit https://tempest-orders.co.uk/ and quote your 10 digit reference found on your child's proof. You will also need the web access code that appears on the paper order form.

Youth Sport Trust (YST) After School Activity

The YST are providing free virtual after school sport clubs. The sessions take place every day at 5pm, for 30 minutes, from 12th November. They can be accessed on YouTube Live and will be led by different members of the YST Athlete Mentor network. The sessions are aimed mainly at primary age children with a different theme for each day-Adventure Monday, Tuesday Play, Wild Wednesday, Thinking Thursday and Fun Friday Click for more information or follow using #YSTAfterSchool

Class News

Foundation Stage

This week we read the start of our new book, ‘The Way Back Home’, by Oliver Jeffers. The children met one of the main characters, Jeffery, whose plane had run out of petrol and landed on the moon. Following on from this, one of our outdoor activities this week was making our own aeroplanes with the children using their problem solving skills to think about why some planes went further than others.

In Forest School, Nursery children had lots of fun including helping put the large Remembrance cross in place, practising their tree climbing and measuring who was the tallest. They also enjoyed their alfresco snack in Sycamore Twirley’s house. They can’t wait for next weeks session.

Nursery had an exciting time and lots of fun with their first PE session with Coach Rich.

Miss Painter, Mrs Thompson, Mrs Lovell, Mrs Stearne, Mrs Ali

Nursery PE.mp4

Class 1

What a fabulous week of learning we’ve had! We have been to London on a virtual bus tour and seen all of the sights as the introduction to our book , 'Katie in London'. We formed an orderly queue at the bus stop then paid Bertha the bus driver, getting our ticket and taking a seat. It was very exciting to tick all off all the landmarks we saw on the journey.

The Remembrance Service was very special. We have loved writing prayers and creating our poppy art work. It was lovely to hear about Harry’s fundraising achievements and from Noah, about some very special medals that his dad received for services to the armed forces.

Mrs Ball, Mrs Swallow

Class 2

What a fabulous week Class 2 have had in writing this week! They met the 'Dream Giver' who was a strange, slender, fairy-like creature who appears to orphaned children in the night, to make their dreams come true. In Big Writing, everyone produced some great descriptions of what happened when the Dream Giver entered the orphanage and the events that took place. It was brilliant to see the children so enthusiastic about writing. Everyone has given it their all. Well done!

It was another great week in Forest School too! Each week, we have a delivery from the Real Junk Food Project and the children in Forest School were given some of the carrots, sweet potatoes, onions and peppers and challenged to create their own tasty soup on the fire. They even baked some sweet potatoes in the embers! Everyone tried the soup and many went back for more. It was very yummy!

Mr Hammond, Mrs Brammer, Mrs Ross

Class 3

It has been a very busy week in Class 3! The children worked very hard to prepare for Wednesday’s Remembrance Day service- they even learned a whole song in Makaton, a special type of sign language for children.

In Forest School, Year 6 became material engineers and carried out enquiries to find out which materials were the most appropriate for an umbrella.

On Thursday, the children continued to practise using Google Classroom so that they know how they can still be part of lessons even if they are not in school! If you would like to find out how it all works, your child will be an expert and would love to show you!

Miss Riley, Mrs Callaghan




Annabelle M: Asking excellent questions.

Harry: Using fantastic vocabulary when explaining ideas. You have made some super contributions to our class learning.

Class 1

Kevin: Awesome week of learning! Trying so hard to make the right choices, listening carefully and doing the right thing.

Thomas: A super week: PE star and a beautiful Remembrance Day poem

Class 2

Oscar: For really trying to improve your writing this week. All your hard work is paying off!

Mason: For having a growth mindset over the past two weeks. You have been determined not to give up learning.

Class 3

Maggie: Always 'getting it right' with your attitude, effort and behaviour. A star every week!

Betty: Excellent resilience and attitude with learning online from home, supporting others to work out how to access learning too.

Important Dates

Diary Dates

Diary Dates (1).docx

Term Dates 2020

Term Dates 2020.docx