Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

8th July 2022 : Newsletter 37

With just two weeks to go, there are no signs of things slowing down at the academy! This week, Year 5 have visited Horbury Academy for two taster days. The first was all about performing arts and today's visit included PE and science.

Year 6 also visited a local college - the fabulous newly-built CAPA college in the centre of Wakefield. During their visit, they took part in two workshops based on the Queen classic Radio Ga Ga! The highlight of the day, though, was a performance of Queen's hit musical We Will Rock You, performed by students at CAPA!

Pupils in Class 1 visited a local Synagogue in Leeds where they took part in a workshop and had a tour. They asked great questions and were really curious about the building and its use.

In foundation stage, our youngest pupils got to 'bring a parent to school' for a stay and play. Everyone took part in fun learning activities. Also, forget Wills and Kate, preparations for the wedding of the century were also in full-flow, with a visit from Fr Christopher to reception class to finalise proceedings!

And to top the week off, the sun is out too!

Have a great weekend and enjoy the sunshine!

Mr Tuddenham

Head Teacher

Uniform Order

We will be placing an order to our uniform supplier for delivery on Monday 5th September, please complete the form by Friday 15th July if you would like to order. This will be invoiced to parents for payment by 30th September 2022.

Click here for the uniform link

Prices have increased this year (like everything else) but we are keeping them at cost price. Recycled uniform is also available.

Class News

Foundation Stage

Foundation had our Stay and Play on Tuesday. It felt great to welcome and share our learning with family members. Children learnt all about the parts of our body and we had fun using an iPad and tabard, finding out what the inside of our body looks like too. Arthur said, "Our lungs go up and down when we breathe in and out." Louis commented, "I like to look at my spine."

We also learnt about our five senses. The children used their sight to compare themselves to their grown up, talking about similarities and differences. We had guess what's inside feely boxes, guess the smell, what can you hear and blind taste testing.

A big thank you to everyone who came to the Stay and Play. I hope you agree that it was a success.

Class 1

In maths we have started a new unit of learning about measurement. The children worked practically to compare and order height. They ordered themselves in height at their tables, from shortest to tallest then explored the classroom to find objects taller then, shorter than and the same height as themselves. Finally, they selected objects to order by height and used cubes to represent the measurements.

On Thursday, we were excited to travel by coach to a synagogue in Leeds as part of our RE learning. The children were absolutely brilliant representatives of the school, displaying good listening and some super previous knowledge about Judaism. It was such as valuable experience for them to be able to visit first hand and observe all the symbols and objects we have previously learnt about. Year 2 sang a brilliant rendition of one of our favourite songs, Church on Fire, on the coach on the way there! A fantastic morning had by all.

Class 2

Class 2 have been thinking about what it would have been like to be a resident living at the base of Mount Vesuvius. They explored various stories about the day in 79AD when the volcano erupted and caused catastrophic devastation to the surrounding areas. The children used freeze frames to help them step in to the shoes of the people who had their lives turned upside down. After, they set about writing a setting description of the chaos of that day. They used brilliant figurative language and expanded noun phrases to describe every detail of that horrific day.

Class 3

Class 3 have been finding out about how animals have adapted over time to thrive in their surroundings! Did you know that sloths have 3 extra bones in their neck so that they can turn their heads 270 degrees when looking for predators? After identifying how different well-known animals have adapted, the children were challenged to create their own creature that could live in a desert, woodland or marshland and explain how they had adapted to love, hunt and hide in their surroundings.

Forest School

In our Forest School sessions this week , Class 1 and Nursery have tried our barefoot walk challenge. This involved walking through tubs of different substances to see how they felt using just their bare feet. The children enjoyed feeling the cold, soft sand and the squelchy mud, with these two topping the list as joint favourite. Isaac liked the woodchips and he said it felt like a lovely foot massage.

Year 4 became Viking cooks for the afternoon, making butter, flavoured teas and preserving pork in salt. The teas were elderflower, nettle and goose grass, lavender and rose petal. Their favourite was lavender, with nettle and goose grass coming a close second. Everyone enjoyed the homemade butter on crackers and said it tasted better than shop bought. It also cost less than the current price of Lurpak!

Year 6 continued with their raft building, adding bottles for buoyancy then wrapping tarpaulin around the raft to hold it together. Flags were made and rafts were named, ready for launch on Friday afternoon!

Launch day! The teams eagerly carried their rafts into Stoney Cliffe wood to see if they would float or sink. The stream was extremely low but we managed to find a small patch just deep enough to test them. Every team managed to stay afloat so well done Year 6, fun was had by all as you can see from the photos!

Weekly Information


Rehearsals for Joseph at Ossett town hall on Wednesday 13th July

Joseph performance at Ossett town hall on Thursday 14th July

Year 6 Leavers event on Friday 15th July at Calder Drift Scout Campsite

In case you missed it

Link to Diary dates Click here

Key Stage 2 Performance - JOSEPH

Joseph performance - Please click here for Joseph tickets and click here to order the Joseph DVD's

Circular Fashion Show Reminder!

Class 3 will be holding a fashion show to raise awareness about the environmental impact of the fashion industry. This event will take place on Tuesday 12th July at 2.30pm followed by a second hand clothing, and uniform, stall to raise money for the school!

We are asking for good, quality children's clothes or shoes that have been grown out of or that you no longer need. These clothes will be modelled and sold as part of our event . Any donations need to be clean and in good condition.

Please bring your second hand clothing, in sizes age 3-14, to school on Monday the 11th of July!


Foundation Stage

Toby-for having such a positive attitude towards his learning during our Stay and Play morning.

Rory-for having a go at writing his full name without a name card. We are so proud of you!

Class 1

For excellent behaviour on our visit to the Synagogue and representing the school so well!

Class 2

Eliza - For always being a role model and helping others when they need assistance

Charley - For always being the best that you can be. You are kind to everyone and a great friend

Class 3

Year 6

For blowing us away with their brilliant SATs results!

Community News

Important Dates

Diary Dates can be found below.

Term Dates can be found on our website https://www.horburybridgeacademy.co.uk/diarydates/