Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

10th June 2022 : Newsletter 33

This week was all about residentials…finally! It was an absolute pleasure to spend three days with Class 3 in Whitby and Robin Hood’s Bay. I don’t think we could have squeezed more into the time we had if we tried. Everything from Church visits to Dracula; fossil hunting to fish & chips; museums to beach rounders - we did it all…and we even managed to sneak a few ice creams in too! I still can’t quite work out the geography of Robin Hood’s Bay though - why is EVERYTHING uphill?!

It was equally lovely to visit York and see Class 2 delving deep into the Vikings! They had obviously had a great day at Danelaw and the evening games and activities were in full flow when I arrived yesterday tea time. It is a joy and privilege for schools to be able to give their pupils these experiences and we are delighted to be ‘out in the wild’ again following COVID. A huge thank you to all our pupils for the way they represent our school - simply fantastic.

I will sign off this week by also giving a huge shout out to the staff for happily giving their time to take pupils away, and also for those staff who remained in school, showing great flexibility and versatility to keep the good ship afloat!

Have a great weekend!

Mr R Tuddenham

Head Teacher

Weekly Information

Reminder - Class photo's on Monday 13th June

Dinner menu Next Week:

In case you missed it

Link to Diary dates Click here

Link to Summer holiday club - please Click here to indicate the days you would like. Please note, all bookings are subject to sufficient numbers to run the provision.

Class News

Foundation Stage

This week has been a very exciting one for Nursery and Reception children. They arrived on Monday to find some vegetables that had been drawn on, wrapped up and stuck down by a super villain. They told us that evil pea had done it. We decided to make sure the vegetables were safe, so started making traps for evil pea, just in case he decided to visit.

The following day, sure enough evil pea had been but hadn't been trapped. Instead he left a note saying that he'd done something else in our class. We soon discovered that some more vegetables had been frozen. How could we rescue them? Annabel said, "take one of the blocks of ice and put it in the sun. It will melt." Gracie added, "hold the small pieces in our hand." Jack also told us we could use the spoons to dig them out. We tried all of those things and managed to rescue them.

Since then, Elissa found the evil pea and we gave him the chance to stay in class. He agreed. But yesterday he had vanished leaving a message saying, "I will be back!" Can't wait to see what happens next week!

Class 1

This week, the Year 2 children wrote 'A Recipe for a Queen'. We thought carefully about the qualities of our Queen and how much of each quality you would need to create a perfect Queen.

The children came up with lots of ideas such as a cupful of loyalty, a spoonful of kindness, a dollop of hope and heart full of love.

Class 2

Class 2 are currently in York on their residential, they are having a fabulous time.

They will share their class news and achievements with us on next weeks newsletter.

Class 3

This week Class 3 went to the sea side! Following the story of this half term’s class novel "Room 13", their adventure began on Monday in Whitby where they visited St Mary’s Church, descended 199 steps, hunted for Dracula, explored the beach and, of course, ate ice cream!

The children then spent two nights in Robin Hood’s Bay where they familiarised themselves with the village and made the most of the beach - they even went swimming in the sea! After 3 fun-filled days, a brilliant time had been had by all!

The children were a credit to the school and all staff involved are proud of how fantastic they were throughout!


Foundation Stage

Pippa- For being a PE superstar! Amazing listening and great teamwork.

Elissa- For doing an amazing piece of writing about evil pea.

Zoe-For making an amazing 'Wanted' poster for the evil pea

Harry-For being a kind and caring friend.

Class 1

Jack M - Positive attitude to learning and super number formation

Romana - for positive attitude to learning, good listening and being a good role model

Class 2

Class 2 will announce their achievements for this week on next week's newsletter.

Class 3

This week's achievement award goes to all of Class 3 for being an absolute joy on the residential. They were sensible and mature and we couldn't be prouder!

Fundraising - Parents and Friends Association

The PFA is busy planning our Summer Family Fun Evening. We are looking forward to holding another Family Fun Evening on Friday 1st July after a long break!! This will be an opportunity for Families to come and enjoy a BBQ, licensed bar and the popular 'Horbury Bridge has Talent'. This is a fantastic social evening as well as raising additional funds for school. As always this takes a lot of organising and help on the evening. The PFA are recruiting members to help - even if this is in a small way, every little helps.

As part of this we will be holding a Grand Raffle and there will be a programme where companies and services can advertise for a small charge. If you know anyone that would like to place an advert of offer a raffle prize, please do get in touch. The email is Fundraising@horburybridgeacademy.co.uk

Watch out for further details!!!!

Community News

Important Dates

Diary Dates can be found below.

Term Dates can be found on our website https://www.horburybridgeacademy.co.uk/diarydates/