Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

25th June: Newsletter 31

Sports Days

Whilst sports days cannot be quite the same as usual this year, we are pleased that we can still hold some sporting activities for parents to attend and for the children to enjoy.

As in our email earlier this week, please remember: we are allocating 2 spectator seats per child, please socially distance, be prepared for the sun and no toilets are available for spectators. We look forward to seeing you next week.

Please see the email or the calendar at the bottom for dates and times of your child's sports afternoon.

Diary Dates

All dates and times can be found on the diary at the bottom of every newsletter.

Monday 6th September is an INSET day when we are closed to children

Year 6 transition-please note the change of date to Horbury transition

Class 3 production: government guidelines to schools mean we need to have a socially distanced audience for this so we are currently reassessing if and how we can organise this event. Details will follow next week


We have asked a number of companies to design and cost ideas for replacing our adventure play area and are waiting for their ideas.

We would welcome ideas and support from any parents who would like to be involved in any fundraising events towards this. Please get in touch with the office or myself if you think you could help in any way.

Mini Market

To contribute to this, we are having a school fundraising stall at a Mini Market that is being held outside St Peters Church on Saturday 17th July from 9.30-3.00pm. As well as raising funds, the church are hoping this will give people an opportunity to come together as a community.

If you can give your time for an hour on the day to help, please fill in the attached form
Volunteer here: https://forms.gle/tAs4HZgjhYPqxgaaA

Non uniform day: Bring a Bottle

To collect prizes for our stall, we are having a non-uniform day on Friday 9th July when children can come dressed in their own clothes in return for bringing a (new, unopened) bottle which can be used as a prize on our stall. Alcohol is always a popular prize!

Community News

In case you missed it

Church Holiday Fun Day:

Thursday 29th and Friday 30th July 10am -2pm
We will also be visiting during our school holiday club to take part in some of the exciting activities at church.

Emails sent home this week

Year 6: Transition info from Horbury and Ossett

Year 6: New bikeability date

Whole School: Sports Day Details

Whole School: Class Photo Order Link

Summer Holiday Club

We are delighted to confirm that we will definitely be running our 6 week Summer Holiday Club.
We are still taking bookings: Booking form link

Class News


Nursery have been thinking about healthy eating and discussed which foods are good for us and we can eat lots of and which are not as healthy and we should only eat a little of. The children sorted a variety of food items into the two groups and had some interesting discussions about their choices. The children also talked about how a potato is a vegetable but depending how you cook it or what you add, might make it unhealthy for you. Annabelle M said, "McDonald's chips have something on them and they are not good for you."

Class 1

Sunny the Meerkat has come to visit us this week. He lives in the Kalahari desert so we thought it would be interesting to find out what other animals live there. We used the iPads to research and write lists of animals. We have chosen an animal to write a fact file about.

In English, we read 'Billy’s Bucket' and played a memory game before writing our own Magic Bucket stories.

Our Commando Joe mission encouraged the Year 2’s to work as team, thinking really carefully about what working as a team meant. We decided we have to listen to each other, communicate well, have a strong growth mindset and make sure everyone is involved.


Class 2

This week, Class 2 have given a warm welcome to Mrs Biscombe and Mrs Findlay, who have both had a fantastic week with all the children and staff! Lots of dojos have been awarded for great attitudes to learning and we are confident that this will continue during the next few weeks. In their English work, the children have been exploring the features of diary writing including using dialect to add the informal tone. For Big Writing, they used the story ‘Balaclava Boy’ to write their own diary, stepping into the shoes of one of the characters.

On Wednesday afternoon, they had great fun practising different sporting races for sports day which is coming up next week. All the children showed great determination and enthusiasm. We can’t wait for the real thing!

In Forest Schools, Year 3 used willow weaving looms. They made a frame in the shape of a fish by bending the willow and tying with string then weaving sticks across and length ways. They decorated them by weaving buttercups and ornamental grasses into the frame. The end products were amazing!

Class 3

It has been a busy week in Class 3! First, we had a mini SATs week which started with a cooked breakfast for year 6. Miss Riley and Mrs Callaghan are happy to report that all of the children did a brilliant job!

As part of Class 3’s enterprise projects, the holiday companies have been creating their floor plans and choosing what amenities their hotels will include. They have had to stick to a strict budget and check that their measurements are appropriate and scaled accurately- it has been a challenge!

In science this week, the children have become paleontologists; classifying animals using only their bones!


Lower Nursery

Reception and
Upper Nursery

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

Headteacher's Award


Super sharing and trying hard to wait your turn. Well done!


Always being so kind a polite to others. What lovely qualities to have!


Always being so helpful and kind. Thank you for being such a good friend to others

Daisy: Showing super leadership skills and teamwork during our Commando Joe mission

Ben: Showing great determination and resilience whilst participating in the Forest School task


For always being an excellent role model


Always working hard and persevering when things become tricky. Well done!

All Year 6: Working together to create a brilliant display in the phone box


Always trying his best in all of his learning


An increasingly positive attitude to reading this term

Important Dates

Diary Dates can be found below

Term Dates can be found on our website https://www.horburybridgeacademy.co.uk/diarydates/