Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

6th May 2022 : Newsletter 29

As another busy week ends at HBA (albeit a four day one!), you will have seen from my communications earlier today that we have some exciting opportunities ahead for our whole community. I have already received some offers from parents and carers to support our wellbeing week, and the suggestions of themes for our ‘Houses’ have been fantastic.

It was great also this week to be able to work with the Wakefield Wildcats Education Team once again, with whom I had a close relationship while working in Wakefield previously, and I look forward to developing this further over the summer term. The coach, Charlie Doherty , also commented on how dedicated, enthusiastic and skillful all our players were and was also very impressed with their impeccable conduct - so a huge well done to staff and pupils in class 2 & 3!

In Foundation, I have been amazed by the quality of the discussion and the writing they have been producing about ‘people who help us’. This was also mirrored in class 1 where pupils have been writing about our ‘Wonderful World’.

Before I sign off, I would like to send a message to all our Year 6 pupils, who next week will be taking their KS2 SATs. Having taught in Y6 for most of my career, I can say with confidence that they are a truly amazing group of children. Their attitudes to learning, determination, support for each other, happy smiles and unique sense of humour has been a joy to see as they prepare for next week. I know they will do themselves proud - we can’t ask more than that!

Have a great weekend.

Mr Tuddenham

Weekly Information

Dinner Menu Next Week:

Menu - Week commencing 09.05.22

In case you missed it :

Link to Diary dates Click here

We have emailed information with links to surveys on House teams and Wellbeing Week.

Class News

Foundation Stage

This week all children have enjoyed using the provision. They have re-told the story of the three Billy goats gruff, made friendship necklaces and bracelets and have done some amazing cooking in our home corners both inside and outside.

As part of our theme on People who help us, we found out about doctors and their role in the community. Hattie said, "I went to the doctors because I had a poorly arm and poorly hip. I had to go to hospital for an x-ray." Harry told us about his recent visit to his doctor for an injection, "The doctor give me a little scratch." We learnt about the equipment they use and have become doctors and patients ourselves in our small role play area. We hope to have a visit from a real doctor next week!

Class 1

This week, in maths we have been learning about statistics. We know how to use tally charts so we put our knowledge into action and went to conduct a traffic survey. We recorded a lot of cars, a few vans and lorries but no bicycles.

As part of our Christian Value work about friendship, we have been thinking about what makes a good friend. We had a class discussion and came up with lots of ideas. Afterwards, we wrote the qualities we think are most important on yellow paper to create our Rays of Friendship display.

This morning, we started our new RE learning about Creation and went to experience the beauty of our natural world. We saw beautiful trees with vibrant green leaves and pink blossom, bees buzzing from dandelion to dandelion and soft, green blades of grass. One of the children found a nest of spiderlings and we saw them disperse and crawl along their nest! Everyone loved taking their shoes off and experiencing how the grass felt under their feet. We enjoyed a mindful moment, lying down and breathing deeply. What a wonderful world we have!

Class 2

Class 2 have been exploring electricity and thinking about what appliances use electricity. They realised that lots of daily tasks are now made easier using electricity and we are using electricity nearly every minute of every day. They investigated the question 'what materials conduct electricity?'. All the children worked collaboratively in their table groups to test what materials were conductors and which were insulators. They soon realised that metals are good conductors and created a list of various insulators including items from the classroom.

Class 3

Class 3 have been delving in to the story of Moses this week. Was it right for him to inflict plagues on the innocent people of Egypt? Should the pharaoh have kept his word and let Moses's people go? The only way to find out the answers was to initiate a class debate. Each team articulately and maturely put forward their arguments and challenged appropriately the arguments put forward by others! It was heated to say the least!

The children also took part in a coaching session run by Wakefield Trinity. During the session, they practised moving with the ball, scoring tries and learned how to correctly hold a rugby ball.

Forest School

This week reception children have been looking at dandelions and how important they are. Not only are they good for bees, insects and birds but we can actually eat them too! The children helped make dandelion cookies which we had as our afternoon snack and also tasted dandelion toffee. We voted for our favourite treat with 13 children voting for dandelion cookies and 2 for the toffee. I think the cookies just had the edge!

Nursery children had a smashing time doing Hapa Zome (Japanese art of flower pounding) and made some lovely leaf transfers onto fabric.

Year 5 children could choose their own activity in forest school this week and these included wooden signs using the blow torch to burn their names or patterns on the wood, fire lighting practise, wood cutting and using their knife skills to produce a spear.

Class 2 started work on their Iron Man. First choosing their materials then designing their model and working out how they would make it using the tools we have available. They will be working on these in the next session and we can't wait to see the finished models.


Foundation Stage

Freya -Beginning to use her loud voice during register and when playing with friends.

Annabel-Completing an amazing piece of independent written work about doctors.

Arthur-Always participating fully in everything we do.

Maggie-Having such a positive week. You are gaining in confidence.

Class 1

Frankie- Being a shining star in Class 1, always a good friend and role model.

Kevin - A positive attitude to learning, joining in with class activities and having a happy smile.

Class 2

Mason - For being so mature and helping your brother settle into school

Daisy - for always showing such enthusiasm in all that you do and showing your Christian Value of 'Friendship'

Class 3

Ellie- always trying her absolute best in all of her learning and having a brilliant growth mindset

Gracie- for confidently and maturely contributing to a class debate.

Community News

Important Dates

Diary Dates can be found below.

Term Dates can be found on our website https://www.horburybridgeacademy.co.uk/diarydates/