Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

29th April 2022 : Newsletter 28

Well, what a first week it has been! Without sounding too dramatic, I have been blown away by the welcome I have received from the whole HBA community and have loved meeting you all - thank you. As I said in my letter, I was extremely proud to start working here and that pride has only been strengthened by the way the pupils have returned after Easter. It has been a joy to see so many happy faces as they arrive each morning and they have risen to all the mini challenges I have set for them this week!

I look forward to the rest of the school year with excitement, especially as we can finally restore some of the traditional primary school events such as sports days and residential visits that we have sorely missed during the pandemic.

Finally, I do have an admission to make. I set myself a (ambitious as it turns out!) target to learn everyone's name by the end of the week and I am sorry to say I haven’t quite made it…yet!

Have a lovely long weekend and we’ll see you all on Tuesday!

Mr R Tuddenham

Young Voices

On Thursday, a group of children from years 4,5 and 6, along with 150,000 other children from across the country, joined together to become The Young Voices Choir! The group of superstars, travelled to Sheffield and performed to an arena full of families and supporters- the atmosphere was electric.

The children really sang their hearts out and loved the experience of performing in such an arena. They have spent so much time and commitment learning words and rehearsing and their enjoyment of the evening made it all worthwhile! The children were brilliant representatives of the school and a fantastic time was had by everyone involved!

Click here to view more pictures & videos

Weekly Information

Dinner Menu Next Week:

Menu - Week commencing 02.05.22

In case you missed it

Bank Holiday - Don't forget we are closed for Bank Holiday on Monday 2nd May

Class News

Foundation Stage

This week has been a very busy one in Foundation. We started our new theme about People who help us. As well as thinking about our families who help, we had lots of visitors from people who help us in school. This included a visit from Mrs Lintott who helps by cooking our dinner. We noticed she wore special clothes and shoes, so she told us why they were important for her job. We also had a visit from Miss Imbusch, Mrs Harpin and Mr Tuddenham. He answered lots of questions ranging from Hattie's "how do you help us?", Allanhah's "where do you work?" and Jack's "how old are you?"

This week four new children started in Lower Foundation. We are so happy and pleased at how well they have settled in. They have already been into Forest school with the rest of nursery, where they dug for treasure, went on a worm hunt and also practised using their gross and fine motor skills to hammer nails into a log. Reception children also visited Forest school this week. We had lots of fun which included making repeated patterns with natural objects. We are look forward to another busy week!

Class 1

In Class we have been thinking like scientists! The big question was 'How do we know that plants take in water?' We know plants needs water to survive but we thought about how we know this. Some children said that when you water the soil, the roots suck up the water and the leaves will be healthy. Others talked about what happens if you give the plant too much water or it has no water at all. Class 1 super scientists thought carefully about how we could investigate this further. One child said that we could get a plant and see what happens if we don' t water it at all. Finally, we started our experiment using celery and coloured water. We made predictions about what we think will happen. One of the scientist thought the celery might expand, another said it might grow. Someone suggested it probably wouldn't grow because it didn't have roots anymore. We decided to keep one without any colour to see if anything happened to that.

We will keep watching over time and recording what happens.

Class 2

The Children in Class 2 have been introduced to the Iron Man - a mysterious metal figure who is taller than a house! Everyone found out that he appeared at the edge of a cliff and soon after fell off. He tumbled down the cliffside and many of his body parts fell off! The children stepped into the shoes of a fisherman who was looking on to all the action happening on the cliff face. They wrote a detailed description about what they say and how the Iron Man moved along the shoreline.

Class 3

This week, Class 3 have been consolidating their learning about the circulatory system. In groups, the cardiologists have been demonstrating and recording their learning in fun and creative ways. We have shared documentaries, artwork and even written songs!

We have also started to explore this half term's Christian Value, friendship. The children have written recipes for friendship and created a friendship garden our class reflection area.


Forest School

Over the last few weeks I have been carefully observing a robin's nest in forest school,. The nest had 5 new eggs which have all successfully hatched and fledged.

Please see the link for video's showing their progress which can be shared with your children as the nest site was top secret.

Click here


Foundation Stage

Our 4 new children in Lower Nursery-for settling into class so well.

Arlo -Choosing to write in the provision and trying to hear and record more sounds in words.

Gracie-Trying hard with your phonics. Well done!

Class 1

Harry - Super scientific knowledge when discussing how we know plants need water and bonus knowledge about the water cycle!

Emilia - Showing brilliant coordination and control during our first athletics lesson. Brilliant running technique!

Class 2

Eliza - For your amazing ideas in writing this week. Your description of the Iron man was fantastic!

Rory - For being a brilliant Horbury Bride role model and trying your best in all that you do!

Class 3

Andrew- Coming back to school with a fantastic attitude to learning. Keep it up!

Callum- Having a mature attitude in class this week and trying to be the very best he can be.

Community News

Important Dates

Diary Dates can be found below.

Term Dates can be found on our website https://www.horburybridgeacademy.co.uk/diarydates/