Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

1st April 2022 : Newsletter 26

Easter Journey

We have had some lovely comments from those of you who attended our Easter Journey and are so pleased that you enjoyed this reflective time spent with your child. The children have said how they loved the activities and the staff also felt it was a very special time.

Thank you for not only your kind words but also the way you joined in with everything- even in the rain!

We have lots of photos that you can see here: Easter Journey

Recycled uniform sale

Class 3 did an amazing job at the uniform sale; not only raising ÂŁ37 for our fundraising but also saving 37 garments from landfill!

Another group went on to write and lead their own assembly to share the message about the impact of 'Fast Fashion' on our environment.

Watch out for more Class 3 news and events about reducing 'Fast Fashion' and encouraging recycling, next term.

Our children certainly show great leadership skills and passion for environmental issues!

Menu: Click the photo to see next week's menu

Class News

Foundation Stage

This week we held our mini Easter event for all children in Nursery. Everyone enjoyed doing the various activities which included retelling the Easter story in the sand, creating Easter cards and decorating paper egg shapes using marbles. We decorated crosses and wrote things we were thankful for on them, which included our family and friends. Small groups of children were also excited to go on an Easter hunt where clues helped reveal letters which then spelt out two magic words. Jack said..."I know what it says...Happy Easter!"

Class 1

In Class 1 we have started creating some Easter art work, thinking carefully about Palm Sunday and looking closely at different artists' representations of that special day. Children were given creative freedom to design and then create their own Palm Sunday artwork, using a range of media. We have now moved on to focus on the Last Supper and producing art work linked to this important part of the story.

In maths today, the children enjoyed exploring lots of different activities to help them practice their addition and subtraction knowledge, place value understanding and problem solving skills. Everyone moved around the class and participated in all the activities.

Class 2

Class 2 have been thinking about the build up to Easter and the different stations of the cross. They have also been thinking about why Christians call the day Jesus died 'Good Friday'. The children all had some thoughtful answers and ideas.

They each created a piece of art to represent their ideas and worked together on a class piece to display in Church over the Easter period.

Class 3

In Class 3 this week, the children became cardiologists to find out all about the circulatory system. They began by considering what parts of the human body were involved in the circulatory system before finding out that is it made up of the heart, blood vessels and blood.

They learned how to find and measure their pulse, as well as hear each others' heart beats with stethoscopes! Finally they were tasked with coming up with their own short enquiry to answer a question of their choosing.

These questions included: How does age effect your pulse? Is your pulse different after you have drunk water? Why do we feel a pulse in our neck? How does your heart rate change after 15 seconds of exercise ? How does your heart rate compare to your pulse?


Foundation Stage

Nursery: Elsie

Always listening and joining in with class activities.

Reception: Arthur

For having a positive approach to all activities this week

Class 1

All of Class 1

You all practised hard with your readings for the Easter Journey and then read so well and confidently

Class 2

Jenson: For an amazing independent piece of writing this week

Dexter: For great independence in reading this week

Class 3

Maggie Gent: for working hard to improve and develop her writing style.

Ben Brown: Always producing homework to the best of his ability.

In case you missed it.....

Holiday Club

We will not be running Holiday Club during the May half term holidays but hope to run for most of the summer. Please complete the form that we sent out this week to register your interest.

Diary Date

School will be closed on Friday 27th May in lieu of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Bank Holiday which falls in half term.

Community News

Covid update

As from today, government guidelines have changed and the advice is now:

  • Children and young people who do not have confirmed covid but are unwell and have a high temperature, should stay at home and avoid contact with other people. They can go back to school, college or childcare when they no longer have a high temperature, and they are well enough to attend

  • Children and young people aged 18 and under, who have confirmed covid, should stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 3 days, which is when they are most infectious (for adults this guidance is 5 days)

In addition:

  • Healthy 5 to 11 year olds will be offered the COVID-19 vaccine from the beginning of April. Vaccinations will take place outside of school, in vaccination centres, pharmacies, GP surgeries and walk-in centres. Parents of 5 to 11 year olds will receive a letter from the NHS with further information on the vaccine.

  • You can book COVID-19 vaccination appointments online, at a vaccination centre or pharmacy, or find a walk-in COVID-19 vaccination site without needing an appointment.

Important Dates

Diary Dates can be found below.

Term Dates can be found on our website https://www.horburybridgeacademy.co.uk/diarydates/