Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

30th April: Newsletter 24

Dinner Menus

Thank you for taking the time to complete the school dinner questionnaire. Having reduced our menu at the beginning of the pandemic restrictions, our catering team are now to able to make changes. They have found your input useful in helping make their decisions whilst still taking into account the nutritional standards that we have to meet.

A new style menu will be introduced from Monday 10th May which will offer four choices.

There will be

Option 1: A hot meal option including favourites such as pasta bolognese or fish and chips

Option 2 and 3: Jacket potato with a choice of two fillings: cheese or a daily filling.

Option 4: A range of hot and cold items such as sandwiches, salads, burgers, pizza. In the colder months a soup will be added to this option.

All options will be served with vegetables, salads or veg sticks to help your child reach their healthy eating 5 a day.

Regardless of which option is chosen, all will be followed by a choice of dessert, yoghurt or fruit.

Those on special diets will be able to identify their choices on the menu sheet by spotting M ( milk free), GF (gluten free), E (egg free), V (vegetarian) or H (Halal).

Before and After School Childcare

We are now able to offer before and after school care and holiday club to all families, not just those who require it due to work commitments, although these families will have priority for places if needed. We still can only have groups of 15 so it is important to book a place but also to cancel if it you no longer need a place that day.

Current availability:


Before school - full every day with a waiting list for places

After school - places available every day


Before school-full on Thursdays

After school-places available every day

Invoices for April have been sent via email. Please contact the office if you do not receive this.

Summer Holiday Club

Our school staff are hoping to run our summer holiday club again this year.

Activities will include crafts, baking, forest schools and visits in the locality. Everyone is welcome, including Nursery and Year 6. Book here: Booking form link

School Uniform

We keep most sizes of uniform in stock in school through the year. However, the deadline for orders to be delivered by the end of summer term, is Friday 21st May. We sell uniform at cost to keep prices as low as possible for parents but the supplier has slightly increased prices on some products.

Order online here https://www.horburybridgeacademy.co.uk/Uniform/

We also still have a number of good quality pre-owned items available. Please contact the office if you would like to check the sizes we currently have. We welcome donations of uniform your child has outgrown, particularly PE tops and jumpers.

Community Sports News

For more information about the clubs below please click the logos

In case you missed it

Scholastic Book Club

The latest Scholastic Book Club is now online at https://schools.scholastic.co.uk/horbury-bridge/digital-book-club. There are hundreds of fantastic children’s books to choose from, and every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club will earn 20p for our school in Scholastic Rewards. Catalogues have also been sent out this week to have a look through. Please place your order online by May 3rd, 2021 for delivery by Friday 7th May.

Panini Classroom Challenge

A big thank you to those children that have handed their colouring sheet in. If your child would still like to enter, please return the sheet to school by Tuesday 3rd May and in exchange children will receive a pack of Euro Stickers.

National Survey

The Big Ask is the government's largest ever survey of children and young people in England. Designed for 4-17 year olds, Children in Class 2 and 3 will be completing the children's survey in school. If your child is younger than this, you may like to help them fill it in at home by clicking: Big Ask children's link

As part of The Big Ask, adults, care leavers, parents and adults who work with children and young people are also invited to complete the survey Big Ask adults' link

Class News


This week we've travelled all the way to Australia!

The children have looked very carefully at the world map over the recent weeks, gaining an understanding of where different countries and continents are. In our creative area, all the children have worked together to make a giant world map using a variety of resources.

Reception also enjoyed getting into the Australian spirit by cooking and eating outdoors. We made campfire pizza and chocolate orange cakes. All of the children enjoyed their day, despite having British rather than Australian weather.

Class 1

What a busy week we have had in Class 1.

We have been thinking about our Christian value 'Trust' and were set a challenge from CJ The Bear which meant we had to have trust in our partner. One partner was blindfolded and the other partner had to give clear instructions up to the Golden Mountain. We all passed!

Forest School has been brilliant this week! We explored tie dye using natural dyes.

Finally, we learnt about the Russian artist Kandinsky. He was the first abstract artist and we enjoyed creating our own Kandinsky inspired trees.

Class 2

Continuing in the world of the Stone Age, the children in Class 2 have been investigating cave drawing and Stone Age paintings. The children looked at what people in that period drew and how they used to record the events in their lives. They found it fascinating that most of the images were of people or animals, usually hunting.

Class 2 will be visiting Creswell Crags in June to link with their Stone Age work.
More information was sent out via email this week.

Class 3

This week, Class 3 went to Coxley Woods. In role as Earth evacuees, they had to build their shelters on their new planet. Lots of team work was required! The evacuees has to use their knowledge of natural materials to select appropriate building tools. Luckily, most of the teams managed to create safe, sturdy structures before it was too late! We will also be visiting Coxley on Monday 10th and 24th May to continue our outdoor learning.

Year 6 Transition
Ossett and Horbury Academy have confirmed their transition dates. More information can be found here


Foundation Stage

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

Rory: Fantastic listening ears. You have really tried hard to listen to all the grown-ups this week

Harry: Being a superstar reader. We are extremely proud of your progress

George: Participating in all activities this week, with improved concentration

Ayaan: Showing resilience and determination in lessons. He always has a smile on his face and is ready to learn

Evie: Being a super role model in Read Write Inc, always listening and working with her partner in a supportive manner

Joshua: Trying really hard in Maths lessons this week

Charley: Trying really hard with all his learning this week

Luke: Being a brilliant writer and having a fantastic attitude towards his work

Joel: Always working hard and thoroughly embracing every writing task


Mr Whiteley would like to compliment all the percussionists on the progress they have made over the last few weeks. Keep up the good work!

Important Dates

School will be closed on Monday 3rd May for Bank Holiday.

We would like to remind parents that we will also be closed on Friday 28th May for staff training (INSET day)

Diary Dates

Term Dates 2020.docx