Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

23rd April: Newsletter 23

Scholastic Book Club

We love reading! Why not encourage your child's enjoyment of books and help us to buy books at the same time?

The latest Scholastic Book Club is now online at https://schools.scholastic.co.uk/horbury-bridge/digital-book-club. There are hundreds of fantastic children’s books to choose from, and every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club will earn 20p for our school in Scholastic Rewards. Catalogues have also been sent out this week to have a look through.

Please place your order online by May 3rd, 2021 for delivery by Friday 7th May.

School Meals

Thank you if you have already completed our School Lunch Survey

Mrs Lintott and Mrs Jolly have already been looking at you views and suggestions as they review and adapt our current menus for the coming term. Please do take 5 minutes to let us have any of your thoughts.

If you receive certain benefits, your child may be eligible to free school meals and we would also receive additional funding to use in school.

Even if your child is in Reception, Year 1 or 2 where the government funds meals, or if your child didn't want a school meal, we would still get extra funding in school!

Any extra funding for school would be very beneficial so please do have a look at this form to see if you may be able to apply or contact the office for a chat.
Apply online here :
Click for form

Summer Holiday Club

Our school staff are hoping to run our summer holiday club again this year.

Activities will include crafts, baking, forest schools and visits in the locality. Everyone is welcome, including Nursery and Year 6.

Book here: Booking form link

Panini Classroom Challenge

We have the opportunity to take part in the 'Panini classroom competition', putting our school in the running to win a huge £3,000 cash prize, a Panini assembly and trophy presentation, plus a £50 Amazon voucher and a football shirt for the winning pupil.

Children will have brought home an entry sheet today. Please return this to school by Friday 30th May and in exchange children will receive a pack of Euro Stickers.

National Survey

The Big Ask is the government's largest ever survey of children and young people in England. Designed for 4-17 year olds, it will show the Government what children and young people think and what they need to live happier lives.  Children in Class 2 and 3 will be completing the children's survey in school. If your child is younger than this, you may like to help them fill it in at home by clicking: Big Ask children's link

As part of The Big Ask, adults, care leavers, parents and adults who work with children and young people living in England are asked for their views on the future for children and young people today, and what they think is holding young people back.

The survey doesn’t ask for any personal information, all responses are confidential and takes around 5 minutes to complete. Big Ask adults' link

Community Sports News

Yorkshire Football Development, Kettlethorpe High School, First Kick will be running a 12 week football course from 11th June.

Thornes Kickers

Class News

Foundation Stage

This week the flying carpet took us all the way to Africa. The children have enjoyed lots of different activities based around the continent, including listening to and making African music, making a cous cous salad, threading to make colourful jewellery and taking a variety of exotic fruits.

Nursery also had lots of fun as usual in Forest Schools, taking part in a range of activities to develop their fine and gross motor skills.

Class 1

Class 1 have had a busy week investigating plant growth. We have dissected flowers, been on a Spring walk in the park and made careful observational drawings, labeling the different parts. It was a beautiful sunny Spring day when we went into the park. We found daisies, tulips, daffodils, blossom and lots different kinds of trees, some with berries, all had leaves and some buds.

All the children enjoyed Forest School this week, it was fantastic to see such great perseverance on the climbing equipment and when constructing with wood.

Class 2

Class 2 have been investigating Stonehenge and what it is. They found out that it is an ancient structure built in the Stone Age and is made from stone which was transported all the way from Wales! The children have created their own models of Stonehenge and recreated what it would have looked like when it was first built.

Year 4 have started to venture back into Forest School. They had a great time, filled with team building challenges and some fabulous den building. It was lovely and sunny and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Class 3

After learning all about different biomes last week, the Earth evacuees had to choose which biome would be most appropriate for their new planet. After much deliberation, they chose deciduous forest as it is similar the biome they live in now! Once we arrived on our new planet, the youngest a member of the team, Dan, was tasked with naming our settlement: He chose to call it Basil!

Next, the evacuees had to consider what they were going to eat. Luckily, our ship had a good stock of seeds so the group prepared the land and planted fruit, vegetables and herbs.


Foundation Stage

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

Elliot: Being determined to approach his learning with a 'can do' attitude

Connie: Showing increased confidence in everything she does

George: Settling well into Nursery class

Mason: Using perseverance and problem solving skills to construct a brilliant Titanic model in Forest Schools

Zachary: Being a fantastic role model in class

Brooke: Showing resilience and determination during a difficult time

John-Dean: Transforming his attitude towards every aspect of his learning

Eliza: Contributing fantastic ideas in the class discussion and always giving her best

Evie: Working hard in Maths to improve her understanding of different concepts

Henry: Improving the presentation of his learning

Important Dates

Diary Dates

Term Dates 2020.docx