Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

February 18th 2022 : Newsletter 21

World Book Week

We will be celebrating World Book Week after the half term break and having lots of fun to help us promote a love of books and reading.

Dressing Up Day

On Friday 4th March, children (and staff!) are invited to come to school dressed as one of their favourite book characters. This does not need to be a bought costume -it is much more fun to get your child involved in being creative and helping with their own home made costume. We look forward to seeing all your ideas!

Book Swop

Between Monday 28th Feb and Thursday 3rd March, please send in any books in good condition which your child has outgrown. We hope to swop and recycle these to send everyone home with a book which is new to them on Thursday 3rd.

We are also having:

A book themed lunch (watch out for our special menu)

Book themed activities where children visit each classroom during the day and find out more about the staff's favourite children's books!

£1 book tokens

Your child is bringing home a World Book Day book token today. This can be used to get £1 off any children's book or can be exchanged for one of the specially written £1 World Book Day books. These are available at bookshops and supermarkets and often quickly run out of choice, so get yours as soon as you can.

Scholastic Book Club

Your child is bringing home a Scholastic Magazine today. If you would like to order anything please place your order online by Friday 11th March. Visit https://schools.scholastic.co.uk/horbury-bridge/digital-book-club to browse the latest books and order online. For every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, our school will earn 20p in Scholastic Rewards

Staffing Update

Mrs Ross, one of our Teaching Assistants, will be leaving us in March. As well as working in Class 2, she is also one of our lunchtime supervisors and Holiday Club staff so is well known to all the children. We will miss her around school but congratulate her and wish her all the best in her new post.

Next half term events

We are planning a number of events for next half term, in the expectation that school life will continue to return to normal. We will confirm dates and details next half term, depending on the covid restrictions in schools.

Parents Evenings: We are interested to know your preferences for in-person and online parents meetings next half term. Please complete the google form to let us know your preference. Link to form

Comic Relief (Red Nose) Day: Friday 18th March

Non uniform day - come prepared to tell your best joke! This year's red noses are wild animals so our non uniform theme is 'Go Wild!' This can be dress as an animal or explorer, wear animal print clothing.... or be as wild as you want.

Easter themed 'Stay and Play' (Foundation Stage): Tuesday 29th March

Morning and afternoon sessions for Nursery and Reception parents or relatives to spend with your child, carrying out Easter themed activities together.

Easter Journey (Key Stage 1 and 2): Wednesday 30th March (am)

An interactive and reflective re-telling the Easter Story for families to experience as they 'journey' around school with their child.

Instrumental lessons

Class 2 and 3 children learnt more about different woodwind instruments from Miss Spalding this week. We currently have spaces for any children in Key Stage 2 who would like to learn a woodwind instrument (clarinet, flute, saxophone). Your child can have a taster session before there is any commitment to lessons and to check their suitability for the instrument they would like to play. Instruments can be loaned from the music service and lessons are: costs. See link for more details

Afterschool Club

Please note after half term our afterschool club times will be changing. We will now close at 5.00pm on Monday and Friday due to numbers. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Menu: Click the photo to see next week's menu

In case you missed it

Community News

White Rose Forest Project

Sunday 27th February 10.30 am to 12.30am https://whiteroseforest.org/about/actionplan/

Junior Bake Off

Love productions are looking for young budding bakers between 9-12 years old. Filming would take place from July 2022, but applications close on Sunday 13th March 2022. Interested bakers can apply online at - www.applyforjuniorbakeoff.co.uk


We will be closed for 2 INSET (staff training) days on Monday 25th and Tuesday 26 July. This means that school will close to children on Friday 22nd July.

See the poster below for details on how you can tell Wakefield Council your attitudes, views and perceptions of physical activity.

Class News

Lower Nursery

This week, our youngest children have been developing their gross motor skills by moving around an obstacle course. The course involved jumping into hoops, walking over benches and carefully navigating stepping stones of various sizes. All of the children really enjoyed using and moving around the course and are looking forward to using the equipment again next half term.

Upper Nursery & Reception

We have been donated a set of 8 walkie talkies for staff and children to use. Nursery and Reception have been using these as part of their listening games and were set a challenge to 'find the voice'. The grown-ups hid the walkie talkies and the children had to listen carefully to see where the sound was coming from. Once they found a handset, the children soon learnt how to press down the button and speak back. This proved to be a very popular game and the children can't wait to play again!

We would like to say thank you to @therecycleyard for the donation of the handsets.

Class 1

This week in Class 1 we have been learning about Judaism and finding out about Jewish symbols and precious items we might find in a Jewish home. We also thought about precious items we have in our homes. We chose one of the special Jewish objects and used oil pastels and water colours to create a representation of it.

One of the precious items found in many Jewish homes are Mezuzahs. These are decorative cases that open up and inside is the Shema prayer, written on a small piece of parchment. The Shema is the most important prayer in Judaism because it reminds Jewish people that there is only one God.

We have made our own mezuzahs in class and written some special words that we believe represent our class and how we try to conduct ourselves every day.

Class 2

This week, Class 2 have carried out two scientific enquiries. First they were asked 'What is the best way to keep my cup of tea warm?' The children then designed their own cup to hold a hot drink. They used different materials and measured the temperature of the liquid inside.

They were then asked 'What is the best biscuit to dunk in my coffee?' Everyone in class liked this enquiry question! They designed their own experiments and decided what they were going to measure.

In RE, we explored special Hindu values and how they compare to our school Christian Values. All the children chose a value that was special to them and wrote it in the Hindi Language. Some children were so inspired by the Hindi values that they have started to create bookmarks for other children in the class.

Class 3

This week Year 5 have been using their baking skills! Taking inspiration from our class text, Hansel and Gretel by Neil Gaiman, the children made and decorated their own gingerbread biscuits. The bakers had to carefully follow a recipe and use their maths knowledge to weigh out their ingredients.


Foundation Stage

Lower Nursery

Mia- for playing well with your friends

Upper Nursery

Adriana- for exploring all of the areas of our classroom and engaging in new activities.


George- for always making everyone smile with your fantastic sense of humour.

Class 1

Vinnie - For showing super leadership skills and problem solving in maths this week.

Azeem - For always persevering, showing patience and resilience. A great HBA role model.

Class 2


For developing a more mature attitude to your learning and always trying your best in every lesson.


For always doing your best in all that you do and being mature and independent in your learning

Class 3


working hard in maths and improving her arithmetic skills


Working hard in all of her learning, producing a great portal story and improving her confidence in maths!

Headteacher's Award:

Mason O (Class 2)

For having a more mature attitude to all your learning this half term. You are trying your best in every lesson! We are so proud of the progress you have made this half term. Keep it up.

Important Dates

Diary Dates can be found below.

Term Dates can be found on our website https://www.horburybridgeacademy.co.uk/diarydates/