Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

January 21st 2022 : Newsletter 17

Staff Update

The recruitment process for a new Headteacher is well underway. With the guidance of our Diocesan Education Adviser, Governors are carrying out a rigorous selection process which includes candidates visiting school on Monday. The Governing Body will keep you informed of their progress.

Church News

In case you missed it


We will be closed for 2 INSET (staff training) days on Monday 25th and Tuesday 26 July. This means that school will close to children on Friday 22nd July.

Class News

Lower Nursery

The children have had a fantastic time in Forest Schools this week. They did lots of exploring throughout the morning and used their imagination in the mud kitchen to make soup and chocolate cake. Everybody had a try at walking the tightrope and Mrs Stearne made the children a log slice threader. The children had to really concentrate and use their coordination skills to get the log slices onto the sticks.

Upper Nursery & Reception

Horbury Bridge Garden Centre opened its doors this week, welcoming lots of eager customers into the store. Before the grand opening, Reception discussed what roles would be needed after their visit to a real garden centre last week. They decided that we would need customers, shelf stackers, staff to water the plants and a cashier. Our older Reception children were fantastic role models, explaining and showing the Nursery children how to interact with each other and what jobs needed doing.

Class 1

In Class 1 this week, we have explored some ideas about how we could make a snake-repellent hat. These were our first designs and we are going to transfer them carefully to some design paper, labelling what materials and equipment we will need. Next week, we will make them. We know we are going to need perseverance as the process may get tricky! We can't wait to show you them.

As there has been a full moon this week, we have started some Winter art work, exploring light and dark to create a January full moon image.

Year 1 enjoyed listening to the story of the Three Little Pigs, then thought about how they could build a house in the classroom and what they could use. When they had built it they took a picture on the i-pad.

Class 2

This week, Class 2 went on a visit to a Hindu Temple. This supports the learning they have been doing about the world religion of Hinduism. The children first took their shoes off and washed their hands in preparation to enter the temple.

As soon as everyone walked in to the worship hall, they were amazed by the beauty of the Hindu Shrine at the front of the great hall. The Children listened well and learned about special Hindu celebrations like wedding and all about what special Gods and deities Hindus worship. The children were able to compare this to what we see in our own church of St John's and how Christians worship. They found lots of similarities but lots of differences too!

The children were a brilliant role model for our school and we are so proud of them all.

Class 3

Class 3 have been finding out about electrical circuits and their components this week. After spending time working out how to make a circuit work, the electricians found out how to read circuit diagrams. In pairs, they were challenged to recreate different circuits and explain why they did or didn't work.

This week in English, our team of private investigators found out about the cases of other missing children. Unfortunately, the stories of the children did not match up with the police reports! The children say they travelled to magical lands, the police say the didn't! Who is telling the truth? Class 3 write newspaper reports sharing this conspiracy with the world!


Foundation Stage

Lower Nursery:


For showing great perseverance in Forest School.

Upper Nursery: Rory

For some fantastic home learning this week.

Reception: Hattie

Fantastic understanding and explanations about recycling.

Class 1

Harry Drummond

For showing perseverance and determination in Read Write Inc and never giving up.

Kiera Pyne

For showing perseverance and determination in all she does in every lesson.

Class 2

All Class 2

For being fantastic role models for our school on our visit to a Hindu Temple

Class 3

Ben Brown

for always being the very best he can be and producing brilliant work each day.

Millie Simpson

Always having a smile on your face and being a brilliant Horbury Bridge role model.

Important Dates

Diary Dates can be found below.

Term Dates can be found on our website https://www.horburybridgeacademy.co.uk/diarydates/