Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

5th February: Newsletter 16

Inset Days

We would like to remind parents that school will be closed on Thursday 11th and Friday 12th February for staff training. There will be no remote learning on these days.

Safer Internet Day

West Yorkshire Police are holding a Facebook Live online safety session for parents between 1pm – 1.30pm on Tuesday 9th February,. This will be presented by officers, specially trained by the NSPCC, who will provide advice and guidance for parents/carers around online safety and includes a questin and answer session.

The West Yorkshire Police Facebook Page can be accessed by visiting the following link: https://www.facebook.com/westyorkshirepolice

Children in Class 1, 2 and 3 will also be watching presentation by one of the PCSO Cyber officers to hear some online safety messages.

Safer internet day resources can be found at https://www.saferinternetday.org/

In response to parking difficulties around school, our local road safety advisor, Chris be visiting school on Wednesday 3rd March to monitor the parking and look at solutions to help ease the difficulties. He will then be returning the following week with local traffic wardens. Please feel free to have a chat with him whilst continuing to maintain social distancing.

We will also be asking parents to support us by agreeing to a 'Parking Promise' which we will be sending out soon.

Class News

Foundation Stage

This week our learning has been based around the story 'The Enormous Turnip.
On Monday the children did a fantastic job of acting out the story, with the help of Miss Painter as the narrator. We then explored and examined some real life vegetables, talking about their names, colours and weights.
We then ended the week by going on a vegetable hunt. The children split into 4 teams and members of the team took it in turns to race for a certain vegetable.

The children are thinking of all their friends who are learning at home. If any of our home learning families would like a personal chat with a small group of friends and staff, please let us know.

Class 1

This week in Class 1 we have been thinking about ways we like to express ourselves as part of Children's Mental Health Week. The children were invited to record or share with us, something they love doing that makes them feel good. We have had some fabulous things to watch and listen to.

Dylan sang Rick Astley, Annie played the piano, Eve showed some super artwork, Oliver did some break dancing and we've seen a whole range of brilliant creative and physical tasks such as trampolining and bike tricks!


Class 2

This week the children in Class 2 have marked children's mental health week by doing lots of activities that help them think about themselves and how they are feeling. In these tricky times when some of us are learning from home, it's important to think about what makes us happy and what makes us smile. We all have worries and problems and it's how we tackle and overcome them that's the important part.

The children have also continued their science investigations about sound. Some children used tuning forks and water to show how vibrations make sound. Others used tumbler glasses and jam jars filled with water to explore pitch and high and low sounds. The children were set the challenge to create a recognisable tune with a collection of glasses. Everyone did really well and it has been brilliant to see that everyone can still investigate and learn with everyday materials.


Class 3

This week in Class 3, and at home, we have begun to write our own stories about the Transatlantic Slave Trade. The children have been drawing on their historical knowledge of the time and taking inspiration from different stories. In science this week, we have continued to explore forces by building parachutes and learning about air resistance.

Finally, as a part of Children's Mental Health Week each member of the class filmed themselves doing things that made them happy - this afternoon has been the grand unveiling of Class 3's very own music video. We hope you enjoy it!

Other News

You will now find a 'Useful Contacts' page at the top of each weekly newsletter. This will include any information we feel you may find useful at the moment.


Foundation Stage

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

Vinnie: All of the fantastic home learning you have done. We are very proud of you!

Olliarnah: Always being an extremely polite member of our class. You are a fantastic role model to others

Jacob: Pushing yourself each week in PE. We have seen a huge difference in your confidence.

Brooke: Always showing up to the online home learning and being the best she can be. You are always a super role model.

Azeem: Trying hard to stay focused in phonics, ready with the correct sound and never giving up.

Kiera: Happily engaging in our live learning with a smile on her face.

Noah H: A quite astonishing headstand!

Priya: Engaging in live learning with a smile on her face.

Molly: For always trying your best in all you do. You always have a growth mindset when things get challenging .

Gracie: For always engaging in lessons from home.

Eliza: For always keeping focused with home learning. Eve though its tricky you never give up!

Ava: Working hard ‘in class’ every day even when the work is tricky. You are a superstar!

Dan: Overcoming the tricky parts of home learning and not giving up. We are proud of your resilience!

Flossy: Working hard every day when you are ‘in class’ and asking for help when you need it. Super growth mindset Floss!

Important Dates

Diary Dates

Term Dates 2020.docx