Horbury Bridge CE J&I Academy

Living by our Christian Values: Together in Faith, Hope and Love

26th November 2021: Newsletter 11


If you are shopping over Black Friday weekend/Cyber Monday, remember that by clicking through to your retailer from the easyfundraising app or website, school can benefit from your spending. Just register on the site and select our school for us to receive cashback. Thank you! Easyfundraising website

We will be sending home raffle tickets next week for our Christmas Raffle. We have some exciting prizes including £100 cash prize, Christmas hampers, Meal at Casa Peri Peri, Body Shop basket, Darling Reads gift bag, free haircut, Whisky and lots more. Please support us by encouraging family and friends to buy as many tickets as possible.

Poppy Appeal

A big thank you from the British Legion, to everyone who supported the Annual Poppy Appeal.


We have fortnightly school update meetings with Wakefield Public Health so will only be able to confirm any Christmas performance arrangements next week


We have sent out details regarding the Discos which will be held on the 9th December.

Please complete the form if you have not already done so.



Katherine from St John's Church, explained the Mexican Christian tradition of Posada which re-enacts Mary and Joseph’s search for a place to stay. Our children are invited to welcome Mary and Joseph (knitted by Sister Elizabeth from Horbury Convent) into their own homes for an evening and to reflect on the message of hope and love at Christmas.We would love to see any writing, pictures or tweets if your family joins in with our Posada.

Weekly Information

Class News

Foundation Stage

This week Foundation Stage have all taken part in lots of activities to help promote their vocabulary and speaking skills. One of the children's favourite activities was trying a range of new foods. As our role play area is currently an Indian Restaurant, we decided to give the children a real taste of what they might order.

Our Reception children focused on learning and using a range of new vocabulary to describe what they could see, smell and taste. Meanwhile, Nursery tasted each food and took it in turns to speak in short sentences to tell their friends whether they liked it or not.

We were extremely impressed with all of our children as they all tried each new food, even if they didn't like the smell or look of it. At the end of the tasting session, Reception each voted for their favourite food, with a joint winner of vegetable samosas and mango chutney. It's great to try new things!

Class 1

We have had a busy week focused on our book 'The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark'. The children thought carefully about adjectives we could use to describe the main character Plop, then wrote character descriptions. Nathan wrote that Plop's eyes were 'like balls of fire' and Jude wrote that 'Plop is a barn owl with delicate, soft feathers'.

We started research about owls using information books and the internet. We worked in pairs to gather information about our chosen owl such as diet, habitat, anatomy and any interesting facts. We are working together to create information leaflets about them which we will put in our library.

In Forest School, Mrs Stearne set up physical challenges to develop hand eye co-ordination and improve strength. Everyone completed the challenges and felt stronger afterwards!

Today, we had some special visitors. Steve brought his owls and taught us lots of interesting facts about each different one. We found out where each one originated from, how and what they hunt, why they have different feathers and which owls are the smallest species. He gave us a clue about the very smallest owl which was that they help Santa at Christmas! Can you guess what it's called? (We already knew this as Jude and William found it out during our research).

What an 'owltastic' week!

See more of our owl experience photos at this link: Owls

Class 2

Inspired by our class book 'The Wild Robot', the children in Class 2 have become illustrators.

Over the past two weeks, they have created their own scraper board art. They started by using oil pastel to entirely colour a sheet of paper and then they covered it with black acrylic paint. Once it had dried they designed four robots which all have a different purpose.

The children chose their favourite design and etched it into their black sheet. As they removed the black, they revealed the colour behind and brought their robots to life!

Class 3

As part of our focus on our class book, 'Boy at the Back of the Class', Class 3 have continued their learning about the refugee crisis this week. This also helps in recognising why refugees are high profile in this week's news.

We unpicked the 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights' - a document explaining that we all have the right to be treated fairly no matter who we are.

In English, we wrote kennings! A kenning is a type of poem that originated in Viking times. Our kennings told the story of refugees and the obstacles they face when trying to flee their countries to reach safety.


Foundation Stage

Annabel W- showing so much pride in your learning. You always try your best in all that you do!

Teni- for trying very hard this week, especially in the dinner hall.

Class 1

Nathan- Super knowledge about owls and working well with his partner.

Ben- Working well with his partner, making an owl leaflet and showing confidence to share ideas and thoughts.

Class 2

Ayaan - For having a growth mindset in all you do and persevering when things get tricky.

Daisy - For being focussed in all your lessons this week. We can tell you love learning!

Class 3

Reuben - Having a mature attitude to his learning and getting stuck into every activity this week.

John-Dean - A brilliant attitude to his learning.

Music Achievements

Daniel (Class 2): Making excellent progress with the clarinet since September. Mr Machin was particularly impressed with how hard you worked in your lesson this week

Henry (Class 3): Passing his violin Grade 2 exam with merit.

Important Dates

Diary Dates can be found below.

Term Dates can be found on our website https://www.horburybridgeacademy.co.uk/diarydates/