Student Testomonials


Before coming into this course I had no idea why I signed up for it. I had never done anything like this before but I am really glad I did. In this course I realized that I enjoy engineering and I may want to focus on it a little more in the future. I learned that I am better at solving problems and finding ways to build mechanisms that I had thought. I learned a lot about myself this course and I hope I can continue engineering in the future.

Throughout my high school years I never said I liked going to class. But, I can honestly say I looked forward to engineering everyday!

I came into this class as a last option for an elective and I am super happy that I ended up where I did because I truly loved and looked forward to the class everyday!

I started with an “I can’t do it” attitude but by the end of the semester I really think I improved believing in myself.

During this course, I learned first off that I can do more with designing and building than I thought I could. Also, this course helped to enhance my creativity and problem-solving, and it helped to revive an interest of mine that I would enjoy studying engineering and architecture in future education, perhaps even considering it as a career choice.

I learned that I feel most satisfied when I come up with something truly original.

I learned a lot about trusting others to complete parts of the project, because I can’t do everything by myself. I learned a lot about dividing up work in order to reach the deadlines

I learned that I Really enjoy participating in hands on projects and working with others to create something great

I think my abilities to work with other people improved during this course by making my ideas always go through others before my ideas were finalized. It taught me how to really think about my ideas before I said them and to not shout out.

Ultimately, I learned that I am more successful and efficient if I use the engineering design process.

Overall I believe my abilities to work with others improved as I worked hard in the groups I was in and also through our teamwork and cooperation all of our projects were unique, well made/ created, and effective in their purpose

I learnt through this course what type of person I am. I am and always will be a doer. I enjoy trying new things, seeing how things work, and how to create things for myself. I enjoyed creating a tower out of paper to see if it could hold, but most of all I loved the rube goldberg project.

I learned about myself that I am proficient at using modeling software to create both functional and conceptual models to put to use both in Engineering and other classes as well.

That’s why this class is successful, for different people use others strengths to make the project the best it can be.

Working in this class gave me a sense of security. Everyone in here is very nice, so progressing through the class I open up a little more every time.

Honors Team Robotics Testimonials:

I learned that I am interested in both working on the robot and working on the notebook. Additionally, I am interested in learning to code over the summer.

I think my ability to work with others drastically improved throughout this year of robotics.

I learned that compromise is important for a team like this because important decisions about our bot needed to be approved by everyone so we were all on the same page.

The product I was most proud of was our engineering notebook. Not only did it bring us to states but showed detailed entries of our engineering process. The engineering notebook can be referred to in the future so my team won't make the same mistakes.

In the beginning of the year, I barley interacted and worked with other people. Now I interact and make a working robot with other people. This course has helped me build robots and taught me how to work together. I can take that skill and use it everywhere in the future.

During this course, I learned that I have potential to become better. This year I contributed less to the group than I should have. But I have learned a lot from everyone in the class. Next year I can be the person who everyone learns from. My team and I have the potential next year to succeed.

Honors Team Robotics was filled with many people who I barely knew at all and had never really talked to. Throughout the year I learned how to work cooperatively and efficiently with all these kids that I never knew before. On top of this, the success I had in working with them allowed me to build friendships that will last my entire high school career. Robotics taught me how to stretch past my comfort zone, and to work with those who I never would have prior. Not only that, but it also improved the way I could work with people in a respectful manner, while still expressing my own opinions.

I honestly learned an entirely new passion of mine that I never knew existed. Coming into the year, reading “Robotics” on my schedule, I thought I was crazy and that I would know nothing. If you had told me that I would be traveling to Kentucky for the World Championship in April, I would’ve thought you were crazy. But, now I know that Robotics is something that I truly love, which I never even knew existed during this year. I approach all of life in a different way, with a more innovative and creative outlook on things, thanks to robotics

I have always known that I like robotics and building things, but this year has helped me expand my knowledge and love for robotics. I liked being able to build the robots so much I am planning to take the class next year as well.

I came into the year knowing that I had an immense interest in coding from prior experience, but I did not know how to apply that information. This year I learned how to do so and the techniques that I prefer.