
Check your child's IEP for modifications/accommodations that are given in the classroom. You can implement these at home when working with your child. The modifications/accommodations are listed below each subject area after the goals and objectives. You can also contact your child's teacher for this information. Below is a sample of what the modifications/accommodations would look like in an IEP.

Samples of Additional Modifications/Accommodations:

  • Use voice to text of have a parent scribe your answers

  • Have the child restate the directions to check for understanding

  • Use a positive reward system

  • Chunk the work. Work in small sections instead of tacking the whole thing at once.

  • Listen to audio recordings instead of reading text

  • Learn content from audiobooks, movies, videos, and digital media instead of reading print versions

  • Work with fewer items per page or line

  • Have a “designated reader”—someone who reads test questions aloud to students

  • Hear instructions spoken aloud

  • Use visual presentations of verbal material, such as word webs

  • Give responses in a form (spoken or written) that’s easier for them

  • Dictate answers to a scribe who writes or types

  • Capture responses on an audio recorder

  • Use a spelling dictionary or digital spell-checker

  • Use a word processor to type notes or give answers in class

  • Use a calculator or table of “math facts”

  • Mark texts with a highlighter

  • Rest breaks between assignments