NHS and NJHS members are student leaders who exemplify excellence in academics, service to their school and community, leadership, and character.

Everyday Pillars of NHS & NJHS

Adapted from Everyday Pillars of NHS by Nara Lee

NHS & NJHS are built on four pillars. All members are expected to uphold these qualities.


Scholarship is much more than grades. It is a commitment to learning and growth inside and outside of the classroom that stems from a desire to positively impact the world through effort and increasing one’s skills, knowledge, and talents.


Service calls for a mindset of serving others. It seeks out and engages in service that is meaningful - not just “checking a box.” It is the desire to seek and act on opportunities to help others with an open heart. 


Character values diversity and builds relationships with a concern for others. It includes perseverance, respect, integrity & honesty among many other attributes. It is not showy but is, instead, steadfast demonstrating a personal commitment to ethics, integrity, and compassion towards oneself and others.


Leadership is diverse and varied. Everyday Leadership is taking your own path while taking action and owning responsibility for your decisions, words, choices, and participation.