Most Likely to Cancel a Show



Kerianne Brennan

Best Newligan

Haley Hallman

Best Party


Life of the Party

Jaya Mapleton

Best Smile

Aubrey Gilman

Most Likely to Brighten Your Day

Eunice Lee


Lena Sibony


Jake Garberg

Company Clown

Laura Pasquale

Biggest Flirt

Marty Hockey

Cutest Couple

Korina Moriarty and Emma Lauterbach

Cutest Couple That Never Was

Oscar Revelins and Elliott Santos

Bonnie and Clyde

Hannah Regan and Isabella Mattina

Biggest Diva

Ryan Chen

Best Dressed

Jerell Briggs

That's So Raven Award

Sadie Holzman

Most Likely to Uber to Rehearsal

Kriti Goyal

Booked and Busy

Jenna Luck

Most Likely to Dye Their Hair Pink During Tech Week

Hannah Schaffner

Biggest Swipe Daddy

Ashkon Parto

Most Likely to be Tik Tok Famous

Jaya Mapleton

Most Likely to Give Themselves Quarantine Bangs

Laura Pasquale

Most Likely to Survive the Apocalypse

Katie Strawn

Most Courageous

Julianna Swilley

Troy Bolton Award

Maggie Rubin

Gabriella Montez Award

Vivian Wall